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Advice Request
Hormaz Behram Mirza
Hormaz Behram Mirza

Hormaz Behram Mirza

Sales Manager

JSF Pvt Ltd.

Current job profile
 My current job profile is Sales Manager (Retail). Although, I am the sales manager, I look after the entire functioning of the store. I am the one who runs the store over here. I handle a team of 6 people. I do Purchase, Display, Inventory, Billing, Reports, etc.
Leadership quality
According to me, a successful leader should possess the following qualities:

a.       Transformational leadership

b.       Vision

c.       Courage

d.       A passion in his beliefs

e.       Trustworthy

f.        Team interest before personal interests

g.        Calm and composed

h.       Self Reflection

i.        Empowerment
Ensuring growth
As I said earlier, I try and am a transformational leader because a transformational leader cares about the employees as equally as he cares about getting work out of them. My staff trusts me because they know we are all friends here. I don’t need to tell them, they understand and work accordingly. I believe in empowerment and that is the reason now I can leave the store and go out during working hours also. I believe when you climb up the career ladder, always encourage the people around you to move ahead in their life. I try to ensure here that when my customers walk in the store, they should feel like a home away from home. 

My advice
I would like to say one thing that always try to be a transformational leader. Another thing is honesty, honest to yourself and your organization. When you become honest, the company and the staff will consider you as their relative/mate and not a mere employee and that will always help you to climb up the ladder.

Doing things right
There is one most important thing that I have been doing and I will continue to do in future also. That thing is learning from my own mistakes and experience. What mistakes and experience will teach you won’t be taught theoretically. I take failure as a learning opportunity and try to improve my previous performance. That is what makes me wise in the eyes of my friends, family and employees.

Influenced by
 There isn’t any idol that have influenced me in my life. My parents did a great job teaching me disciplines, manners, honesty etc. I grew up learning to be compassionate and deliver justice in any matter even if it’s bad for you. I learned to avoid repetitive mistakes and learned a great deal out of experiences. All these things have a good amount of influence on my life.

Handling Grievance
 My employees have a friendly relation with me and they never hide anything from me. I take him/her to a quiet place for tea and ask him to speak and let everything out. I listen to each and every detail of his grievances. I analyze the problem and try to improve/provide justice in whatever way it is possible for me. It doesn’t matter even if I have to go an extra mile for solving the problem because if my employees are happy with me, nothing can bring me down.
Important career decision
 My most important career decision so far was to step down from a good job and salary and accommodate myself in something less than I used to get. But I never regret my decision because I left my previous job in order to come back to my home town and stay with my family and take care of my father’s ill health. Today he needs me and I don’t care even if I have to make sacrifices for him.

My view on India technological development
I think our country has got a good amount of technical talent but our country doesn’t have the mature companies like google, Microsoft etc. Today, when IIT grads come out they are hired by giants like amazon, google, apple etc paying them a thick fat salary.
Family background
I belong to a Parsi Background. My Father is a businessman. He has got his own wholesale business of Cosmetics and general consumer products. My mother assists my father in his business. I have got a sister younger than me. She is pursuing final year BCOM right now. My uncles have got different businesses. One has got a hotel business and another one has got business of supplying building materials.

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