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Advice Request
Hemant Lamoriya
Hemant Lamoriya

Hemant Lamoriya

Software Engineer


Brief description about me
My name is Hemant Lamoriya. I completed my B. Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in Computer Science and Engineering. Currently I am working as a Software Engineer at Yahoo! Software Development India Pvt. Ltd. This is my first job. Three things I love to do most: playing sports, games and obviously coding :).

Important Decision
 I have just started my career and this is my first job. But I think the decision to join Yahoo! over PayPal was most important and difficult decision I have made so far.

Degree that I recommend
To join any organization one must have minimum level of formal education. But, I think, once you are working in any organization, it is knowledge that keeps you up and running. Degree/Certificates are good to have for your knowledge but I would recommend even if one should not give on learning new thing just because he can not get a certification of that.

My perseption towards frashers
 Generally freshers are full of energy and are very enthusiastic to work. They also bring new ideas to table which are very important for growth and development of any company.

My skills
I think my strongest attribute is my memory. I generally do not easily forget things.

My role model
  Sachin Tendulkar, because of his dedication towards his work.

My goal
 My goal for next five years is to join university as a research fellow.

Family background
I grew up in a small town in Rajasthan in a middle class family. My mother is a headmistress in secondary school and father is an Engineer who is also a sports enthusiast. Hence, I have developed a passion towards academics and sports since childhood.

Advice from elders
"The day you get satisfied by what you have, you stop achieving new heights." Above words by my grandfather, really kept me inspired.

Advice to students
I would suggest them to do whatever they really want to do in life. If they give it their 100%, they will fulfill all their dreams.

My point of view
No doubt we have a lot of technical talent in India. And we do have some great tech products, but yeah, compared to the amount of talent we have these are negligible. I personally think that the root of this starts from our schooling. Most of schools here teach us to remember and learn, not to think, leave alone think outside box. After that there are funding issues. So, the small amount of high quality talent we have, gets drained to western countries and those countries take credit for their hard work.

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