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Advice Request
Hans Dholakia
Hans Dholakia

Hans Dholakia

Motiv Life Coach Corp Trainer

Holistic Health & Luminous Learning Inc.


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Other Thoughts:
I blend with Yoga-Meditation and universal spiritual values the latest scientific research in fields like Neuro-sciences (Psycho-neuro-immunology, Neuro-cardiology), Quantum Physics 881984 Quantum Healing, Mind-Body Wellness, Management Thinking etc., for human wellness, motivation and effectiveness
Done Differently:
* Live differently : Exercise more, eat less. Pray more, worry less. Love more, judge less.

* Work differently : Would not spend so many years in 'rat race' before being on my own ; be more focused on work and make better collaborations ; be more practical.
The Journey So Far:
40 years in the corporate world, first 28 years in sales / marketing ending at Director / VP levels, and last 12 years in holistic motivational training / coaching, designing my own scientific-cum-spiritual modules and delivering.
Job Profile:
Founder-President. Identify training needs ; Conceptualize 881984 Design training programs ; Deliver as classroom trainings, one-to-one Life Coaching, Motivational Speaking etc..
Role Model:
My Master, Sri Paramahansa Yogananda whose books (including 'Autobiography of a Yogi'), and teachings continue to inspire millions globally. He brought together the best of India with the best of the West, and taught how to raise the practice of religion above the differences of dogma.
Growth Strategy:
Learn from every experience as if it were a lesson ; pray and do yoga-meditation everyday to develop intuition ; read and learn from great thinkers and leaders.
The Decisions That Matter
When I quit working for money,twelve years ago. Money is still a need but now I work for my passion, help others and also make money while doing these. We must enjoy what we do. Working for money alone is drudgery, slavery. If we don't love what we do, we can never ever create excellence.
Advice For New Professionals:
Identify your natural talents,find your heart's passion ; don't be in a rat race ; somewhere in your work,keep space for helping others and improving the world. For example,if your passion is only to be just rich for yourself anyhow, check your values. It is not a a work-passion,just selfish greed.
Working Life Management:
Work-Life balance is a misnomer. Work is a part of life, how can you balance a part with the whole ? Enjoy work as a part of life. Work done with right attitudes can be as liberating as meditation. Bringing heart to work means accepting your role in the cosmic play and doing your best.
Plans For The Future:
Exactly where I am : at my Master's feet - but closer, happier, healthier and more grateful. My search ended with finding my Master 27 years ago but the progress is on and will ever be so. Life is all about learning. It's good to be happy, but contentment is not complacence. We keep improving.
Degrees That Matter:
Nothing specifically. Practice Self-awareness. Exercise everyday. Read 'Autobiography of a Yogi', take time out for yourself everyday. Meditate more, talk less. Choose a course of study in sync with your natural gifts, strengths and passion.
Career Profile:
This question has been answered earlier. Let's not repeat.
Required Reading: ; ;
and my own website

plus hundreds more can be found by Google search depending on one's interests.
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