
Dr Jai Rudra Jha

Dr Jai Rudra Jha
Ph.D/Doct... Economics

About Dr Jai Rudra Jha

Performance-driven, marketing & communication professional with 8+ years of continuous advancement and expertise in event, BTL, Rural Marketing business Proactive self-starter with track record of initiative, personal responsibility, ownership of work

Areas of Expertise:
Planning and execution of BTL/ Event activities, including budgeting, reporting, monitoring.



Dr Jai Rudra Jha ’s experience

Events/ Promotion Mgr   at   Pashchatya Entertainment Pvt.Ltd , Delhi, INDIA
February 2000 – Currently Working
Industry: Advertising/PR/MR/Events
Functional area: Marketing / Advertising / MR / PR
Performance-driven, marketing & communication professional with
8+ years of continuous advancement and expertise in event, BTL,
Rural Marketing business Proactive self-starter with track record
of initiative, personal responsibility, ownership of work
Areas of Expertise: Planning and execution of BTL/ Event
activities, including budgeting, reporting, monitoring.
STRONGPOINTS •Parmissions any level whether govt. or
others with Economic •All India network male or
female •Admin
PR & Media Relations Mgr  at   Tic , Delhi, INDIA
February 1998 – February 2000
Industry: Accounting/Taxation/Finance
Functional area: Marketing / Advertising / MR / PR
Performance-driven, marketing & communication professional with
8+ years of continuous advancement and expertise in event, BTL,
Rural Marketing business Proactive self-starter with track record
of initiative, personal responsibility, ownership of work
Areas of Expertise: Planning and execution of BTL/ Event
activities, including budgeting, reporting, monitoring.
STRONGPOINTS •Parmissions any level whether govt. or
others with Economic •All India network male or
female •Admin
Client Servicing Exec.  at  span , Delhi, INDIA
February 1996 – February 2000
Industry: Advertising/PR/MR/Events
Functional area: Marketing / Advertising / MR / PR
Performance-driven, marketing & communication professional with
8+ years of continuous advancement and expertise in event, BTL,
Rural Marketing business Proactive self-starter with track record
of initiative, personal responsibility, ownership of work
Areas of Expertise: Planning and execution of BTL/ Event
activities, including budgeting, reporting, monitoring.
STRONGPOINTS •Parmissions any level whether govt. or
others with Economic •All India network male or
female •Admin
Client Servicing Exec.  at  Global infocom , Delhi, INDIA
February 1995 – February 1996
Industry: Advertising/PR/MR/Events
Functional area: Marketing / Advertising / MR / PR
Performance-driven, marketing & communication professional with
8+ years of continuous advancement and expertise in event, BTL,
Rural Marketing business Proactive self-starter with track record
of initiative, personal responsibility, ownership of work
Areas of Expertise: Planning and execution of BTL/ Event
activities, including budgeting, reporting, monitoring.
STRONGPOINTS •Parmissions any level whether govt. or
others with Economic •All India network male or
female •Admin

Dr Jai Rudra Jha ’s education

Ph.D/Doctorate [Economics],
University of Delhi, Delhi [June,2000] , Delhi, INDIA
MPHIL [Guild organisation],
kurukshetra university [June,1994] , Kurukshetra, INDIA
B.A [honours],
radhakrishan goyanka college [June,1989] , Patna, INDIA
Dinhata college [June,1986] , Dinhata, Eco
X [na],
Bihar bord [May,1984] , Patna, INDIA

Dr Jai Rudra Jha ’s additional information

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