
Sandeep Hiremath

Sandeep Hiremath
Programmer Analyst at Infosys
Engineering Computer Science

Sandeep Hiremath ’s experience

Programmer Analyst   at   Infosys Technologies Ltd , Bangalore
Currently Working
1. High Level design & Detailed design. Converting the
requirement specifications into detailed design. 2. Program
specification reviews. 3. Design and development of skeleton
programs, code automation. 4. Understanding of business
processes. 5. Sizing of work and doing work breakdown
structure. 6. Report status often and proactively to
Superiors. 7. Mentors team members in design and analysis
activities. 8. Schedule and prioritize work and plan a sequence
of activities that accomplish the planned targets.

Sandeep Hiremath ’s education

Engineering [Computer Science],
Bapuji Insititute of Engineering and Technology [July, 2002] , Davangere

Sandeep Hiremath ’s additional information

Business,Emerging Technical Trends,Entreprenuership
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