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Advice Request
Gautam Jaiswar
Gautam Jaiswar

Gautam Jaiswar

Assistant Professor In University

Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University, Chemistry Department

Most Rewarding Moment
The most rewarding experience i got when i hear that my students are placed in best of best institute for their higher studies and also placed at different institution as faculty members. I feel immense pleasure when many of my students qualify various National level exam such as NET, GATE etc on the basis of technique we provide to them at our institute.
Important Lesson
Many students they do complain regarding jobs, that it is difficult to get jobs. But i always tells them, knowledge can do every things in life and honesty play a vital role which add up when you are searching for jobs. So i always stick to this i.e. knowledge regarding subject we teach and honesty which help me to have a better interaction with my seniors. So they also help me in whatever i plan for the betterment of the institute. This is the lesson i learn that is honesty and knowledge should be always be with you.
Future of Indian Education System
I am working in the field of nanotechnology, i find lot of scope of nanotechnology in the fields of medicine, defense, cosmetic, household items etc.
Our lab is doing on the work of polymer nano composites where we designed nanoparticles with posses the flame retardant property and having a good Ultra violet sheilding properties. Our aim is to give to the society, a knowledge regarding nanotechnology, its merit and demerits and also to focussed the nanoparticles which have futuristic applications. In this connections we are making nanoparticles of barium, stortium, stannous, zinc, titanium its oxides etc in our lab and searching their properties in different polymers.
Way to motivate Students
I give examples of many eminent personality specially Nobel Prize winner, how they achieve their heights, to motivate students in their studies and also i give application based research so they also motivate and do research in the field with full enthusiasm.
Family Background
We are four member, my wife is doing PhD in Botany and my elder daughter she is in 2nd class and younger daughter she is 1year old.
Strongest Subject
my strongest subject is nanotechnology and organic chemistry specially photochemistry and pericyclic reaction. This subject i choose, because it is difficult to teach so i choose this subject.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
Self employments should be encourage and new technology through research should be promoted, so if we had technology then only a development of nation can be visiualized
My Advice
Teaching and research field should be taken as a challenge to build the students with full of knowledge in their hand after they leave their institutions
Most Challenges facing by students
Job is the biggest challenge facing by the students
Outlook about way to raise quality education
First is mobilization of the teachers with having good knowledge of the subjects to different institutions. Second is promotion of the research and development.
Favorite Non-Academic books
i read the books which contains poetry, story which give some relaxation to the brain and also to have some things different from the routine work
Unique way of teaching
Orientation and refresher courses organised by UGC, India. Such type of activities should be also encourage. But it should also give practical knowledges too
My priorities
Lectures and practicals in Institutions is the top priority i keep during deciding my time schedule
About Me
I am Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Unviersity, Agra from last 11 years. My self done Ph.D. in Chemistry and doing research in nanotechnology and teaching organic chemistry for MPhil and MSc students
My inspiring personality
Albert Einstein and he always tell us more is the knowledge less is the suffer in problems we face.
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