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Advice Request
Gaurav Kamdar
Gaurav Kamdar

Gaurav Kamdar

Program Manager at Yahoo!


Current job profile
I am the Program Manager for IP (Intellectual Property)- Patent Asset Development and Tech Initiatives at Yahoo!. I work on driving avenues which would yield innovative ideas from employees where there is a possibility of attaining Patents and Defensive Publications. Idea numbers, reviews, awareness of IP basics, guidance and moulding of idea drafts is my key responsibility.

From a Tech Initiatives point of view, I work on various avenues which help in raising the technology awareness. Work closely with Senior technology veterans on designing and executing initiatives.
My achievements
1) 3 U Rock Awards in Yahoo! [ Quarterly award in India ]
2) 2 Patent Milestone Awards [ 8 patents filed and 8 Publications ]
3) PMP Certification
Parting Thoughts
Protect ideas by virtue of Patent protection before disclosure.
All the views shared in this e-interview are solely mine and not endorsed by my organization. The answers have been given in the capacity of the individual. Also, before any public disclosure or sharing, I would need to get an approval from my Corp Communication and Legal team. Kindly hold on for the approval from my end before publishing this info. I would need to get the interview vetted by them first.
Advice to upcoming professionals
1) Pursue your passion in a calculated way and not with just blind interest
2) Strengthen your knowledge by staying on a continuous learning program
3) Make sure your work can translate into metrics ( numbers ) of some kind
4) Over-communicate updates to Senior Management
5) Do not hesitate to agree that you do not know something
HR Challenges:
1) Talent needs to be given it's due credit in the form of good and well deserved work
2) Competition within the industry needs to be monitored very closely
3) Technology is all about change hence the strategies should adapt too
Recommended Reading
1) All Yahoo! sites are a must :)
Helping to develop the country
1) Study abroad and settle back in India :)
2) Get a global view of challenges
3) Plan and Execute to cater international markets
4) Make sure that Rewards and Recognition are over-communicated/over-done and individuals are allowed to shine
5) Map work appropriately with talent
6) Engage all talent in knowledge related education and learning programs
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
1) Good Education background
2) Understanding of the domain I am hiring for
3) Great ability and openness to learn something new
4) Hunger for challenges
5) Good Communication skills
6) Less Attitude and more Altitude in results :)
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