
Nishant Kulshrestha

Nishant Kulshrestha
Comp... BE

Nishant Kulshrestha ’s experience

IT Change Management Analyst   at   CSC , Noida
work in the field of ITIL V2/V3 deployments and alligning
projects according to the Businesss requirements. Its a
Techno-Functional role which after some Certification and
industry experiance will lead me towards Techno-Functional
Consulting or as a IT-Infracture Change Manager. It requires a
person with Broad understanding of common technology platforms
Windows, and Network. Work experience in an IT Change Management
area, Global Client interactions , Continual Process Improvement
and Sound knowledge of Project Management (PMP) and ITIL more
into IT Infracture Projects

Nishant Kulshrestha ’s education

Comp Science Engineering [BE],
HCST , Farah [Currently,Studying] , Mathura

Nishant Kulshrestha ’s additional information

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