
Arifuddin Sheik

Arifuddin Sheik
B.Tech/B.E. Electronics and Communication...

About Arifuddin Sheik

I am a straight forward person and easily mingle with others. I am highly in electronics and innovative things.

You can see my only with my laptop or with my friends. I cant be seen anywhere in the world other than these.

Arifuddin Sheik ’s experience

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Arifuddin Sheik ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics and Communicati...],
Swarna Bharathi College of Engineering, Khammam, Andhra Pradesh [Currently,Studying] , Khammam, INDIA

Arifuddin Sheik ’s additional information

new technologies, innovative products, electronics, gadgets, etc
Awards and achievements:
Won several prizes for different projects in national level technical symposiums held across the state.
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