
Karikalan Paulraj

Karikalan Paulraj
working in HCL technology
B.E Computer Science

Karikalan Paulraj ’s experience

Quality Executive   at   HCL Technology , Chennai
• Audits & Facilitation o Monthly Project Quality Audits:
Performing monthly quality audits which includes verification of
Project Scope, Estimation, Project Planning & tracking and
Development. o Internal Quality Audits: Planning, Tracking and
Performing Internal Quality Audits. o Work Product Audits:
Performing audits on key artifacts. o Project Facilitation:
Provide training and guidance to Projects such as Peer Review,
Quality, etc. • Metrics Data Collection and
Analysis o Metrics Collection: Collecting the basics metric data
for development, sustenance and testing from the project. Based
on these data, we will do PCB reports. o Analysis: Involved in
performing causal analysis for defects for taking corrective and
preventive actions. o Organizational Reports: Need to prepare
monthly consolidated reports for vendors, which will be collected
from MSR presentation. Senior management requires reports from
projects, we will be collect the details, consolidate and send
the reports to management.

Karikalan Paulraj ’s education

B.E [Computer Science],
Saranathan College of engineering [2006/May] , Trichy

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