
Anshul Mendiratta

Anshul Mendiratta
Director virgintravelspots
PGDBM Marketing / Finance

About Anshul Mendiratta

A banker following his passion.....Explorer

Anshul Mendiratta ’s experience

Director   at   Virgin Travel Spots , Delhi
A company provides you with excellent opportunities to explore
our planet in ways that initiate learning through adventure based
activities. Our programs are designed in a manner to fulfill
various individualistic needs, from rejuvenating yourself to
providing you with an experience with Mother Nature like you have
never had before, from bonding among peer groups through personal
interaction, giving you a feeling of contentment and satiation.

Anshul Mendiratta ’s education

PGDBM [Marketing / Finance]

Anshul Mendiratta ’s additional information

Opening new businesses,Adventure Travel,Market Speculator
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