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Advice Request
Durga Charan Barik
Durga Charan Barik

Durga Charan Barik


Zee News Ltd.

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Its depend on the people whose are working with you. According to me to be a successful leader fast of all you have to be a good human being as well as a good leader. Another thing is that,you have to feel/know the strong as well as weak points of your co-workers. For a team leader his co-workers are his strength.
My role model
For me the role model is my boss & seniors (Ex & current)under whom i was worked & still working. The experience which i had gathered from them is still help me to go ahead.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
While my study I was completed my high school from a Govt. school & which was located in a village. In a village area all schools are playing their roll sincerely.
Important lesson learned
Every person should done their job sincerely & the result should be reflect in their carrier definitely. may be it take time.
Brief description about me
Hi, My name is Durga Charan Barik, most of my colleague & friends are known as me as Munna (My nick name). I am belong from Orissa but born in Calcutta on 18th October 1978. Most of my study i had completed from Calcutta & Orissa. I had joind Zee News Ltd. in the year 2001 & still continuing with this organisation.
Degree that I recommend
Degree - Experience
Certificate - Patience,Honesty & loyalty.
My achievements
According to current scenario where is most of diploma holders are surviving for a good carrier, at that time I am happy with my job & can fulfill all necessary requirement of my family. Within this service period I had brought my own flat at Calcutta, which was my dream.
Couple of years from now
I would like to improve my self gradually & I know it helps me to reach in a better position.
Ensuring success
Still I serve my self to my organisation sincerely & loyally & it helps me to grow my self.
Influenced by
My seniors & my bosses.
More about myself
Everyone should give respect their parents & fulfill their requirement as they had done for us.
My strongest skill
Know your job profile & do your job fast on priority basis.
My family background
I am belong from a middle class family. We are 2 brother & 2 sister. I am the elder son of my parents. My father was worked day-night to fulfill our requirements as well as my parental uncles family. Because my uncle was died in a road accident at Calcutta.
Important decision
To continue my existing Job in the year 2011.
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