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Advice Request
Dhansuekh Bilimoria
Dhansuekh Bilimoria

Dhansuekh Bilimoria

Job @ Indonesia

PT.Alkarim Contracting Com

More about myself
I have started my overseas career in Sept 1982 joined Bangkok based office for the quality of selection of craft they used to recruit for their overseas client for the field of construction. Oil and Gas, Petrochemical projects, on shore/off shore activity craft
Ensuring success
Nothing more just concentrating the work given by Head office to do. Some debate with tennis and cricket group in the weekends. The limitation fixed by office for whom I am working since Sept 1982
Initiative to develop a country
Initially need to accept USA policy to allow only 2 party to contest in election eight er Municipal, Punchayat, State level or National. Like NDA and UPA. other all party need to merge in any so called 2 big parties
Degree that I recommend
I got Civil Engineering certification. Computer education certification. Thai language eductaion certification. ISO 9001 I have just attended. No certification issued by them
Brief description about me
I am Dhansuekh Bilimoria Civil Engineer belongs to Gujarat-India by caste Tandel started my career with Builder at Valsad & PWD-Gujarat in 1975
Couple of years from now
Really un certain as my branch in Jakarta not doing good at the moment and as such with the help of my friend circle I am looking for another available job in Indonesia
My role model
Mr.A.Bacchan since his movie Trishool. In those days since I belong to middle class family many thing from his movie inspires to move forward
My family background
My parents were in fishery business. My elder brother is B.E.Electrical Engineer retired from GEB as a Executive Engineer. My younger brother also Civil Engg. now in USA. I have 5 sisters all married and living with their respective families. I have daughter. She is Doctor studied at Mussoorie & Russia and now doing her higher education in Maharatra. My son studied at Mussoorie, Mumbai, Canada and now working at Toronto since last 4 years.
My achievements
Our children along with their education
Influenced by
Our Managing Director. Due to their behavior, guidance and simple life style with lots of works during each day
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Nothing wrong in The system of education. Need to Offer many kind of scholarship, Easy bank loans for higher education, more grant for safe women education , more facilities in school with a point of view that what kind of often services required by the society . Proper selection of teaching staff is most important.
Important lesson learned
By God's grace every individual get a best chance ( 10 to 20 years ) to make his life in business or job. While this period person need to be polite, honest, reliable and without any hot temper
My strongest skill
Electromechanics Engineering & IT
Important decision
to stick with my duties towards my office, family and society
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Good human being, healthy, educated, smart, soft spoken and mixing nature
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