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Advice Request
Devendra Pathak
Devendra Pathak

Devendra Pathak




Devendra Pathak is a member of:

Family Background
my family is from village basically
my father is farmer and mother is house wife.
we are from very simple family background
my wife is also housewife high school pass
I have two daughters and one son
first daughter is married and presently working in TCS Bangalore
another is placed infosys
Advice for upcoming professionals
family background as discussed in previous questions
Intellectual Recommendations
our college in graduate education
some students prefer to go for higher study in country or abroad
for this they need to go for study of as group discussion aptitude test data interpretation intelligence general awareness and general knowledge india bix is rely perfect website for reference
Additional Certifications
quality assurance is must for any working personal they need to prefer always quality in there career . testing profession is also need quality assurance
on name of quality brand will be considered and fame will reach to them . society prefer always quality aspect not quantity
I always prefer honesty in my working and surrounding . honesty will be finest tools for best life . dishonest person I refuse after confirming and finalising. honesty will grant rely a piece of mind
My Vision
my preference is not to gain good position in society simply. I prefer to work in step to step conditions . how much may I reach . i always prefer my working up to my satisfaction label. it should also to be identify by user, friends peer and others related personal . there is no specific factor
Starting Differently Again
presently I am at 50 yrs age . career already reach to a level. I wants to continue my principle intact. my preference will be progressive in direction my goal and aim . I wants my students should reach on certain level of career, mine will automatically increase . I look my growth in there grow
Future of QA
serving the society client students and management in well respect and positive way. so that quality aspect can be gain
Contribution to the field
my life I prefer job satisfaction. money can be earn by different method which may not provide job satisfaction. of course we need money for running family requirement day to day. always money should not be criteria for decision making .job satisfaction will give happy life with less money
yes always work overtime for the purpose of society, students , parents ,and management
I always prefer to work in weekend Sundays and evening time for providing quality education help to poor (both in money and knowledge) students without thinking for money earning. I try always to help people
The Big Question
yes sir I fell my self successful . as I will provide addition and extra time to students with out money earning . I invite students to join free classes. but it will very heart me when students are not willing to join free classes. students are joining when invited by other party for my classes
I am postgraduate in statistics background . I completed my SAS course and prefer to join as SAS programmer.
there I can become technology profession in one aspects but
presently I have lots of technology to work in all field organisation . I prepare students in BCA BBM best programmer in IT field
Situation where you played important role as a team player
Presently working as principal in college in last 5 years .always play a role as team leader of more than 100 teachers and 1000 students . which is going to take over as coming team in all type of industries.I play aIMportant role when a students in not willing to continue his studies .made him to
Growth Initiatives
continuous trial in this field read and discussion with different type specialist.
always learn best of the things from upper lower horizontal or even students in daily to daily life . I try to guide students for there career growth on line face to face or through different media and methods
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