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Ask Deepak Sharma for Advice
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Advice Request
Deepak Sharma
Deepak  Sharma

Deepak Sharma


Swaroop Info Tech

Time Management
which task has remain less time period, I usually put it on top order in my TO DO List.
Spare time activities
meet with friends, Spent time on Internet, and give some time to myself.
First Job Expectation
1)Is it comes in my area of Interest ?
2) Is salary i will get is according to Job i am going to do?
3)What is the my future with this Job?
Challenges facing by students
Get his very first Job. Nothing bigger then it.
Favorite subject
History and geography because I have an interest in it.
About Myself
I am simple living boy not like my age group boys. Working in International
BPO as a Collection Executive. I completed my Engineering in Electronics & Communication in the year 2011. I like to play badminton, tennis and like adventurous also. I am spiritual and have a trust on God.
My uniqueness
I can't tell a lie, if I do so any one can catch me easily.
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