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Debadutta Upadhyaya
Debadutta Upadhyaya

Debadutta Upadhyaya

CEO and Co- Founder


Debadutta Upadhyaya is a member of:

- Expert
The Goal
Lovnish and I are co-founders with me donning the role of the Chief Executing Officer and Lovnish that of Chief Operating Officer. By next quarter we aim to reach a 1000+ customer mark and add in more services to our bouquet so that we start evolving into a comprehensive service provider.
Playing Hardball
Challenges are an inherent part of any start-up company, some known and some unknown. Best way to handle challenges is to plan out and mitigate the known ones at the earliest possible timeframe and adapt yourself quickly to triumph over the unknown. Expert advice from veterans in the field helps you diagnose and seek remedy faster. As far as risks are concerned, one needs to work calmly towards eliminating them. Must say, my co-partner Lovnish manages this aspect better than me. By nature, I seek instantaneous solutions and quick turnarounds that may seem impossible at first take.
Vision of the Founders
To enjoy the journey completely. Not an easy decision when you have to let go of a cushy corporate job. But, both Lovnish and I were determined to team up and build what we believed can have far-reaching impact in getting a very unorganized services sector organized and hence
Three Favorites
Tata Group, Disney and Google.
On Leadership
Leadership to me is about channelizing the only thing that differentiates one company from another i.e. people to bring about the best of product / service, as the case may be. Its about giving people their space but step in at the right time to avoid any casualty coming out of inexperience that can be harmful to the company's progress. Leadership is about more "We" and less "I".
My Family
Hubby's company specializes in the content area, have a 9 year old son who is a complete stress buster and as a family we are foodies and travel enthusiasts.  Grew up in a family that supported adopting offbeat career paths with just one condition that one had to excel in whatever profession one took up.
My View on Indian Startup Ecosystem
Encouraging as far as ideas are concerned, very encouraging as far as risk-taking attitude of fellow entrepreneurs is concerned, but needs to cover some ground as far as mentorship is concerned. Most of the ecosystem is geared towards propelling a company that has come out of its struggling phase to the next level whereas, what entrepreneurs need most is guidance and a helping hand around easing out the early-struggle phase, especially, if they are in a niche area.
My Influences
I can't pin point any one role model as I have always believed in assimilating the best from every interaction and every experience and hence lot many people have influenced in the process.
My Message to Young Entrepreneurs
As a student in the entrepreneurship arena, we are ourselves learning everyday. Only advice that we can offer at this point in time would be to jump in early, be steadfast and enjoy every moment.
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