
Chetan Pahwa

Chetan Pahwa
B.Tech/B.E. Computer Science

About Chetan Pahwa

I am hard working Person and very much concerned about my work and the environment around me. I like challenging Environment as it forces you to compete in among the challengers around you...

Chetan Pahwa ’s experience

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Chetan Pahwa ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Computer Science],
ITM,Gurgaon [Currently,Studying] , Gurgaon, INDIA
3 Years Diploma. [Electronics and Communication.],
Government polytechnic, Ambala City [June,2005] , Ambala, INDIA
Guru Harikishan Public School, Ambala. [June,2002] , Ambala, INDIA

Chetan Pahwa ’s additional information

Intrested in development work or in Management work i love to do both.
Awards and achievements:
Qualified Swift India Course with NIIT.
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