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Advice Request
Ching Fwu Tsai
Ching Fwu Tsai

Ching Fwu Tsai


Deep & Far Attorneys-at-law

More about myself
To shape a country, trying hard to build a nationally unified volition is important.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
To succeed, being rich in brain waves, stiff in perseverance and exhaustless in stamina simultaneously is not enough, since there oftentimes are kinds of traps and chances a person might make a mistake in performing any kind of task.
My role model
To be perfect is not easy. Accordingly, I am always inspired by many role models in the world history by trying hard to integrate all their valuable personalities in one body.
Ensuring success
I command myself that I be more perfect, more knowledgable, wiser and sager today than yesterday or this minute than last minute.
My achievements
While nearly every body told me that I am successful, I am never proud of what I have achieved now because I need to reap a greater achievement tomorrow.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Trying to improve the current system bit by bit but never trying to introduce an alleged good foreign system.
Influenced by
I read famous ancient books and old axioms every day, in order to force myself advanced every day.
My family background
I have a wife and twin boys, one is an attorney-at-law and the other is a patent attorney, working with me in my firm while the 9-minute younger one will go to Germany and the US for master degrees therefrom and the elder one has obtained an IP master from the US after a master degree in telecommunication in Taiwan.
Degree that I recommend
A technological degree and a law degree are recommended.
Initiative to develop a country
Trying to guide the society to run in a logical and predictable way so that the nationals know how to behave themselves.
My strongest skill
I am very confident that this firm can provide the best IP services not only in Taiwan but also in the world.
Brief description about me
I am the first patent practitioner in Taiwan who both has technological and law backgrounds and is qualified as a local attorney-at-law.
Important lesson learned
As long as you get satisfied with your current performance, you will get a dissatisfied future or coming days.
Important decision
I decided not to merge with a law firm established by the world top accounting player, in order that I can develop my firm in the way I anticipated, hope and pursue.
Couple of years from now
Since every essential support or firm intrastructure appears to become ready, my firm will grow quite soon for years to come.
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