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Advice Request
Chayan Bhattacharjee
Chayan Bhattacharjee

Chayan Bhattacharjee

Sr. HR-Manager



Chayan Bhattacharjee is a member of:

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Recruiting new generation:
Gen Y is very different because they live in age of global integration not only in terms of jobs but also in terms of thought, skill, culture, education and most importantly communication. With the rise in consumerist culture the race to achieve has become faster, and under these conditions we need to to recruit and have retention model which will confirm that Gen Y gets more scope of learning, growth and development so that they can ride the ladders faster for which we obviously need high quality integrated talent management policy in terms of training, succession planning, development interventions and innovative appraisal system. Gen Y is ambitious in the sense that they want to reach their goals three times faster than the earlier generations, they want open work environment, more fun at work place and implementation of new concepts such as BYOD(Bring-Your-Own-Device) at workplace, work from home etc. For them vibrancy in work place is equally important if not more than salary.
Parting Thoughts
Yes, I think in all the talks about development and glitz of growth we often forget that education and more importantly employability needs to be made more inclusive and diverse which means more stress to educate girl child, rural youth and youth living in economically backward zones of our country.More often than not from my experience I have seen talented people missing out on opportunities because of their age factor, which I believe should either be relaxed or eliminated at least for next 15 years considering the fact that globalization came in India only in 1991 and by a generic principle it takes around a decade for the avenues to open up and we need to understand that lot of talent was either shaping up or were underemployed in those years, so we need to give these experienced talent an opportunity to share the good fruits of globalization.
Improving Education system
Education in India has progressed quite a bit if we consider the fact that at the time of independence we had only 20 universities but today we have twenty times more than that and therefore we have been able to do pretty well in the service industry. But saying that this achievement is miniscule when you consider the fact that a huge number of youth is still deprived of education and also a huge chunk of educated are unemployable. To improve the situation we must increase the quality and quantity of educational institutions particularly in the field of vocational education. We need to come up with the system of community colleges which delivers both the formal education and vocational educational as a part of the pedagogy. The vocational education curricula must be jointly set by the industry and academia. With the increase in cost of education banks must increase the maximum limit of education loan for studying in India from 10 lacs to 25 lacs and industry must also start sponsoring.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
The qualities differ as per the job requirements. But if I have to put it in a nutshell than I look for the following qualities - Communication Skill,Perseverance, Stress Adaptation Skill, Job location mobility factor, Lateral Thinking, Team Management Skills among others. But obviously when it comes to higher level hiring then Conceptual skills, Design skills,Leadership Skill, and Mentoring skills needs to be looked into.
Recommended Reading

Books: Corporate Chanakya, Employees first, Customers Second, Digital Nervous System.

Magazines: Forbes, Human Factor, The Smart CEO,Business World
Leadership Programs in Place:
Well the one that coming to my mind is a quarterly mentoring leadership project named Dronacharya- Eklavya in which the business heads were given teams to mentor within a given time frame on various skills of leadership and the best was awarded. The results achieved were quite impressing as because the team started to learn the traits of leadership faster, and the competition between them to outdo each other saw new ideas coming out from the team and also the emergence of new leaders who could be thought of as next in line managers or in other words the second line of leadership.
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
To attract good people a lot of employer branding is done, recruitment sources has been made more diverse, and levels of screening have made more objective oriented and more filtered. To retain the better and advance the best performers inculcation of innovative training, more fair appraisal, leadership pipleline programs, competitive compensation among others have been factored in.
Current HR Trends:
A few trends worth mentioning in HR:

1. Outsourcing: Lot of companies are outsourcing the HR jobs particularly recruitment to focus on their core competence of employee welfare and development and reduce cost. Good outsourcing partners are essential else it can fire back.
2. Diversity: A good trend in hiring is more hiring of females and also some organizations take people from economically backward class, which will give more diversity in future to our organizations and boardrooms.
3.HR Analytics: As they say in God we believe, rest all bring data. The importance of using data has never been more profound than in this time of high talent mobility. It gives us more scientific and rational way to judge our current practices.
4.Social Hiring: The advent of social sites has given a new tool to track talent and more importantly at a much lesser cost.
5.Work place design: Gen Y is not happy only with a good salary but they require a vibrant ambience in terms of lighting, color etc.
HR Strategies In Place
A few of the strategies worth mentioning:

1. Cognitive Strategy: Orientation Training , Re-trainings, Study Sabbatical

2. Behavioral Strategy: Career Counseling, Quality Circles, Assessment Centers

3. Environmental Strategy: Matrix Management, Project teams.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
Well the CEO plays a very crucial role in the sense that the HR and CEO together brings an alignment in terms of various HR programs like skill enhancement, training interventions etc. which has resulted in optimum utilization of people and resulted in much better productivity.
Pain Points:
1. Recruitment: Talent Acquisition, if it goes wrong means a catastrophe for the organization. The HR does and need to do a thankless job in this area.

2. People Development: Inspite of trainings, it is still not seen as a strategic tool for organizational enhancement and HR is held accountable. It is here that HR needs to continually thrust on an alignment and understanding with other functions so that the hours used in training results in better productivity and is not seen as hours lost but hours invested in human capital the most prized asset of an organization.
3. Appraisal: More often than not biasness in appraisal is blamed on HR, but here both the HR and heads of other function need to co-create an environment of trust, respect for quality and a picture of fairness so that employees feel they are getting justice in appraisal with fairness.
4. Exit: Exit of an employee is very seldom a blessing and a big pain point for HR and so a comprehensive understanding is required.
Helping to develop the country
The professionals need to urge the industry, their own business houses to start collaborating with colleges and give impetus to vocational and professional courses which they can do so by helping the academic institutes in framing the curriculum which prepares job ready youths and to take it further they can also assist in creating an entrepreneurial mindset so that jobs are not only consumed but created as well. They can urge the business houses to give financial help in form of loans to students which they can recover by employing the students in their own business domains for a stipulated period of time. This will ensure that the business houses get individuals tailor made for their high productivity and also improve on employee loyalty, employee stay in the organization and improving the brand image itself. This will also give a lot of confidence to lakhs of youths to pursue professional education as currently the war between bread and book is more tilted towards seeking the bread.
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
Well all are highly knowledgeable people but still a few pointers:

1. Give interview calls to candidates only after proper screening, else the candidate feels that it is a platform for rejection rather than selection as because he spends effort in context to energy, time, distance, money to reach the venue.

2. Questions need to be asked in a manner which gives enough comfort to the candidates so that they come out with their best.

3.MIS for HR is only a part of his function, but being truly empathetic to employee is the heart of his function, this aspect needs to be implemented with vigour.
4.Creating leadership pipeline is an important function of an HR Leader but it needs to be co-created with other function managers who can then become HR agent and succession planning gets a new meaning.
5.Employees are assets for companies but all people with whom the HR interacts should be treated by HR as an asset, because today's interviewee can be tomorrow's employee.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
To identify leaders and promote them to the next level we consider the following among others:

1. Achievement in terms of sales and revenue
2. Team Management
3. Team Attrition
4. Team Learning
5. Team Leader Development
6. New Team Learning
7. Optimum Team Utilization
HR Challenges:
1. High Talent Mobility

2. Ever changing aspirations of Gen-Y

3. Diversity Management in terms of managing inclusive workforce comprising of women, different generation of workers, expatriates

4. Developing new organizational training interventions as employees become more aspirational in terms of growth

5. New legal legislation

6. New technology which means better training

7. Optimization in terms of HR cost because of growing competition

8. Keeping employees safe from the lucid factors which can create attrition
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