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Advice Request
Chandran K. V
Chandran K. V

Chandran K. V


Coast Liners Private Limited


Chandran K. V is a member of:

- Expert
Briefly tell me about your company and the HR strategies you have in place.
Coast Liners private Limited is a professionally managed Indian organization, committed to total customers logistic requirement and catering to its solution to the complete satisfaction, enhancing and enriching our relationship in every day today transaction. The services we provide are Project Transportation, Pre-Transportation advices, De-consolidation of cargo, Warehousing, Re-location of Plant and machinery, Route Survey and inspection, Heavy-ODC Transportation, Surface and inland water ways transportation. The Sectors we operate are include- Automobile, Chemical, Electronics, Engineering – Heavy, HEMM/Excavators/Earth Movers, FMCG, Hydro Power, Machine and Tools, Thermal power sectors.
What are some of trends you are seeing in HR?
The main trend in the market is including the HR representative in the top management decision making panel and consultation of HR in process of strategic business decisions.
In the era of ever changing business, explain the difficulties in planning the Human Resource?
The fast changing economic scenario and business trends making difficulties in planning the Human Resources.Making HR planning and budget need regular changes according to the trends and changing economic situations and changing the business plan due to the flexibility in the market.
How do you describe the relationship of HR with the CEO’s?
Unlike the earlier situations,the CEOs are realizing the importance of the HR but still HR function is not getting the importance comparing to the Sales and other operational functions.
What is your biggest pain point?
Sudden change in decisions of the top management is the biggest pain point as per the HR point of view.
How do you Motivate Employees with Rewards in your organization?
Performance based incentives, Recognition and appreciation on good performance and achievements, regular communication meetings with post meeting parties, picnics etc.
When you hire people what are you essentially looking for?
Relevant experience & skill set, Stability in their previous employments, Positive attitudes, sincerity in their approaches, salary range as per the budget.
Brief some of the leadership development programs held and how often? Result obtained from that?
Performance Management & KRA Evaluation once in a year.Leadership conference of all the branch heads once in 3 months and regular evaluation of the performance target in the leadership conference.
Effective selling skill, Leadership and motivational training programs once in a year.
How do you identify leaders and promote them to the next level?
Succession planning process, Performance Management System, KRA settings and Evaluation, performance in the quarterly meetings, regular interaction of the employees with the management, one to one business meetings with MD and HR
Engaging Gen Y - Leadership and Organization Culture according to you?
Integrity, unity in diversity.Induction programs and code of conduct programs create awareness on unity in diversity, common character and conduct across the organization, Equality principle.
I dont think any chances of engaging any external organization in these areas
How do you recruit and retain the diverse and ambitious Generation Y?
Market salary, Performance based Incentives, motivational activities
Attrition Management: Retaining vs. fresh hiring
Employee Satisfaction survey, regular feedback program, suggestion schemes, performance based increments, promotions, succession plan, career growth opportunities.
What promotional techniques work best for you and why?
Recognition of the good work by appreciation talk by the top management with employee, Party with the branches done best performance, interim amount paid towards good work, Motivating them for further improvement in future performance.
Workplaces are changing. Cultures are evolving. Do you think the average employee today is different from his/her counterpart from a decade ago too? What is lacking and what does he/she need to keep in mind in today’s working scenario?
Yes, the work culture scenario is changing completely. No more carrot and stick work culture, not using bad words and abuses, no more in-equality in gender concerned. No deviation from the statutory benefits and legal dues, immediate action on the issues raised by the employees.
How to attract good people, retain the better people and advance the best people
How to attract good people: Proper work culture, branding of the organizational value, Attractive compensation and benefit as per the market range, Retain the better people: Career growth, proper PMS system to reward the best performers,Motivational activities, Best social security benefits, Staff welfare activities
What are your advice/ suggestions to fellow HRs in the industry?
I feel I am too small to advise the smart fellow HR people in the industry.
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