
Madhup Srivastava

Madhup Srivastava
MBA General Management

About Madhup Srivastava

I am an outgoing friendly person, believe in participative management, working in teams.

I trust in God but not overly religious. I am a practical, logical and analytical person but do it subtly without hurting the senstivities of people and stakeholders.

I try to be non-judgemental, do not start with a pre-concieved notion about people, places and events, and basically am a big-picture person.

My formal qualifications are M.Sc (Bio-chemistry), MBA (General Management).

Madhup Srivastava ’s experience

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Madhup Srivastava ’s education

MBA [General Management],
Victoria University [December,2001] , Wellington, New Zealand
M.Sc [Biochemistry],
Allahabad University [January,1981] , Allahabad, INDIA

Madhup Srivastava ’s additional information

Management training, elearning, travelling, making money, listening to people talking and sharing their experiences, watching children grow and observing people's behaviour change with time and situation, I love being with people of all kinds and knowing them better.
Awards and achievements:
Topped the merit list in Allahabad university, have been recognised many times for achieving results effectively and being resourceful.
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