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Advice Request
Bhaskar Krishnamoorthy
Bhaskar Krishnamoorthy

Bhaskar Krishnamoorthy




Bhaskar Krishnamoorthy is a member of:

- Expert

Bhaskar Krishnamoorthy's Advice

Sell your Ideas

Company Profile
Cavintek is a workflow management software company focused on providing the benefits of process automation to small and medium businesses. Our flagship product, cflow is a workflow automation framework that contains a forms builder, workflow engine, document management, security and collaboration tools. cflow comes with ready-to-use apps  like HR, Assets, Tracker, QuizMe, Purchase & Inventory, for managing various business functions.
The company was founded end of Dec 2010.
Mistakes encountered
I spent too much time mulling over the website design and initial product launch and in hindsight, would have liked to do that fast. Getting something out is more important than trying for perfection when you are just in the 1st or 2nd iteration.
Focus - Ideas are easy to come by and it is very tempting to take on projects that are mostly unrelated or at best very poorly related. Staying focused and executing on a core vision was a key lesson.
Risk involved and addressing them
Product While software services was a more lucrative market and easier to start off, we chose to build software products. Building and selling software products was a huge risk and we have believed that if we build something of value and can articulate it to customers clearly, we'll find customers. We are executing on these points and are seeing some early wins.
Hiring the right people initially to be part of our core team was very important and a wrong choice would have been a huge mistake. I personally spent a lot of time identifying candidates, interviewing them and later on selling the vision. Once hired, trusting them to do their job and giving them the necessary freedom built a strong bond and we continue to be very diligent while hiring.
The opportunity to create something that can have a positive impact on a large number of people and businesses.
My Role
I started off as a one-man team doing everything by myself and after a year and half, can now count on a few more people to help me execute on our vision. The role mostly remains the same but having a few more people in my team with similar dreams makes my job easier.
Whatever your idea, get your 1st version out early, then sell, sell and sell as sales is the biggest morale booster. The rest will follow based on experiences in the previous step.
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