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Advice Request
Bala Kumar
Bala Kumar

Bala Kumar

Bala A Kumar

Isansys Lifecare Systems

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Honesty/Integrity, Confidence, Communication, Commitment, Creativity, Delegation, Inspire, Participate and sense of Humor
Important decision
Take an opportunity that are challenging and out of your area of expertise, moved from supply chain the core competency area to Business. Move of working locations - regions, countries that has given good amount of exposure and knowledge during the journey of my career. Further the selection of Industries and alignment to the new areas help us to bring the strength in you and move your learning process.

Initial experience to identify the are of specialization run through from Legal/Taxation, logistics, materials, supply chain, NPI, Emerging Market, BD... good journey and well learned
Brief description about me
Dynamic and results oriented leader equipped with > 25 years of accomplishment in providing guidance and strategic direction in SCM, BD,CM and Leadership Development. High knowledge professional with an adaptable culture offering know-how in all aspects of operational and financial activities encompassing global supply chain, trade practices and logistics in support of manufacturing / distribution operations, budget administration and analysis, supplier qualification, and Product Positioning. Well recognized as efficient and cross-functional manager, capable of eliminating roadblocks to success while developing knowledgeable and confident staff. Adept at identifying and capitalizing on opportunities to minimize costs and maximize operational efficiency. Areas of expertise-Lean Six Sigma,Product Life cycle Management,Emerging Market,Logistics,Product & Market Analysis,Process Improvement,Cost Optimization, Vendor Relations,P&L Accountability, International Business,Team leadership.
Initiative to develop a country
India is in good developing stage, important factors we as professionals bring in the education, experimentation s (bring in the scope to India like product development, KPO, Up gradation, etc.)environment, ethics and enrollment.

What is portray in the world by GOI and Media are totally different and are not really the fact - we are lacking far behind in infrastructure, people development and hold on to old system of caste, community and religion.

Still Million of People struggle for $1 a day! one good food a day? Until the poverty, hunger and the pain of poor is curbed we are not there as developed country. Reality Poor man getting poorer and rich man adds up for next 10 generation, there is no mind space to help the needy over fund for various religious organization! see the growing number of guru's all over.

Our development goal could be bring down number of poor n the country, common man, provide education, environment, equality, governance, improve infra,sanitation, et
More about myself
Please remember to contribute what ever you could do in your way of life share your wealth for our People, Nation... Just to note here we have started a NGO for providing education for girl children in 2001 now it is 12+ years old we have 142 girl children funded for their education, uniform, books across 5 schools in and around bangalore.. This is done by like minded friends from their own initiatives. We have seen kids comes out well and 5 are at +2 level..
My family background
Wow, Married to Latha B Kumar and blessed with three kids - whom we have given full freedom to select what ever they needed.. all are doing good.
Influenced by
There are three gentleman in my life
1. Dinesh Raghavan @ Motorola - the principle and the work ethics followed becomes my discipline in life.
2. Hank Henderson @ Motorola - the sincere efforts in life with direct message and fun.
3. My Wife - always with me good, bad and tough times and she is the one I can rest my shoulder any time..
My strongest skill
Leadership and believe in creating more leaders, today proud to see my colleagues have grounded well and stand as MD, CEO, CPO, CFO, Professionals.
Team Work - learned in the process and enjoyed the fruits of it, as an example the Chairman's award for the team in US @ Motorola.
International Commercial Terms - being aware and apply as required in business helps one.
Communication, Delegation, Decision Making, Negotiation, Work-Life Balance, compliance, interpersonal skills and Management.
Degree that I recommend
Require basic graduation as platform to able to analyze and approach your challenges and guide decision making in your area of expertise and place the proactice of learning that is the continual process
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The education system in India still follows the old federal model and need to go for change, There are institutions of repute IIT, IIM, Law Schools, IISC, etc. however the current model for every one gets 90% is standardized not through right skills but only theory.

Get into Skill based Education - provide the skill that could make him happy after education to stand on his/her own.
Innovation, Thinking differently/creatively - allow them to come out of memorizing everything - the world is changing allow the kids to see what to they like it more enjoy their passion in life.
Encourage good teachers - earlier the teachers are respected so high - now people dont even care, understand recently they have murdered one at south... Get in high valuable and rock star teachers - get this position as very valuable in society with all respects greater than so called Ministers in State.
Implement technology Infrastructure - reach all facilities to students so that they are exposed to real life
My achievements
Reached to the higher position that helped me in developing people from couple of countries that are varied in practices and culture gives me real exposure to develop leaders across boundaries.
Good to see all are connected and continue to help the same goal and practices.
Happy to stage legacy that are respected and wish to continue the efforts
Ensuring success
reading, practicing, supporting NGO and continue to my area of expertise.
Important lesson learned
Continue to liaison with your network and develop good friends in industry who could share and support in area of their expertise.
The scope and opportunity are bigger and clearer now in Corporate, necessary as student select what ever is appropriate do it without any hesitation, dont allow any one influence your decision including parents .
Couple of years from now
Support Elderly people with the concept of health (keep fit) and alignment to Healthcare needs through my organization.
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