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Advice Request
Badish Jindal
Badish Jindal

Badish Jindal


Federation of Punjab Small Industries Associations


Badish Jindal is a member of:

- Expert
Problems that SMEs face in Punjab:
The Major Problems the industry of Punjab facing today is power
scarcity, land locked system, distant from natural resources, labor
scarcity, mutiple taxes and  high land costs.

Activities Undertaken by FOPSIA:

  • FOPSIA collects data, information and latest amendments and
    conveys to the member at their door steps.

  • We also support the
    members for online form and tax return filing.

  • Our Association
    sends its delegations to different parts of the country and abroad for
    more marketing opportunities.

  • FOPSIA  sends recommendations and
    advisory to the state and Central government for the welfare of the SME
My Role and Responsibilities as a President:
My major initiative is to collect data of those industries which helps
in policy formation of the government.My duties as a President is to
monitor the working of FOPSIA, to attend all the meetings at State and
Central Level, to give suggestions to the State and Central Governments
for new amendments, to become a link between the Government and
Industry, to make Planning for better working of FOPSIA. In the current
year I came in touch with 10 cabinet secretaries and 15 Central
Ministers from the Industry.
Key Achievements of FOPSIA:

  • FOPSIA is the only body which is chosen by the Ministry of
    MSME for its National Board.

  • It represents all the major
    committees of State & Central Govt. such as Central Excise Customs,
    Industry, Banking, Implementation and Planning, Single window Industries
    Clarence Committee.

  • We have provided the online EM-II numbers
    to more than 500 members throughout this year.

  • FOPSIA has
    raised the maximum numbers of industry related issues at State Level .

  • We
    have held 7 major protests during in the current year.

  • Our
    Association held 5 seminars during this year .FOPSIA has sent Delegates
    to Bangladesh, China, and Germany.

Key Initiatives of FOPSIA:
FOPSIA’s key initiative is to guide its members regarding the new
technology, new opportunities, provide them all the online services at
their doorstep ,support them as advisory for credit requirements, and
convey the government for the current situation of the Industry and to
request to make Industry favored policies.
Another important
initiative is to make the employer and employees skilled with the latest
techniques. FOPSIA is moving ahead to bring 3 clusters of MSME in

Future plans for 2012:
The focus of FOPSIA in 2012 is to work on its clusters and continue with
its policies more aggressively. It also wishes to increase the member
FOPSIAs plan for 2012 is to make Industry Clean &
Green with the support of State and Central Government. It also plans to
organize more Seminars and more Delegations.
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