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Advice Request
Atul Verma
Atul Verma

Atul Verma

Business Head


Brief description about me
I am a person who is driven by challenges and professionalism. Challenges inspire me to excel and word “NO” motivates me to set new goal by saying itself “Now-its-Opportunity. I am very keen to learn new avenues of skills in professional and personal life. I strongly believe that in this era of shrinking world (thanks to internet & other communication channels) my most performing asset is my Personal relations, so I can very well be described as person who derives energy from his social contacts.

I am currently working with Safexpress as Business Head, Vijayawada. Before that I was based at Safexpress, Hyderabad as Assistant Manager for last 2 years which is right after my MBA in Operations and Marketing. I am managing team of 10 highly dedicated professionals. During the Project Campus 2 Home I managed a group of 32 people in which we got success and appreciated by top management as we bagged highest points. Now I can manage a big group. The key mantra of accomplishing the assignment is my team highly competent skills, great cohesion among team members and challenging the challenge attitude.

Challenges in job
As every new assignment of my job is challenging and full of opportunity which drive passion for excellence inside me but still few challenges about my job are:

      As in my first answer I mention the Project Campus 2 Home, it give me confidence  recognition at company level. Second I love to negotiate with the customers. During the starting of my carrier I got this opportunity to meet each and every customers to tell them our improved service and based on that we have get the price hike. That was the challenging job me at that phase.

      Both these challenges are helping me to discover my hidden set of skills. This add on skills with blend of professional experience converting me more profitable asset for my organization and in personal a better profession in the Supply chain industry. Here I can correlate both the things.

Job made easy
 Know your product from rock bottom to its zenith is key to make anyone's job easy. Update yourself with new technology, information. Believe in yourself, never hesitate to experiment, discuss with your colleagues about new idea. As Hyderabad was new for me as geographically and socially but after talking with colleagues, adopting the things made everything easier to me on professional and personal fronts.

Upcoming trends
  If we are talking about Supply Chain Industry, then its a evergreen industry and which is a part of very important leg in any industry either as a manufacturer or a service provider.

From last one year everybody is talking about implementation of GST i.e. Goods and Service Tax. Once it implement it will be defiantly a game changing in next couple of years. Then Supply Chain Industry, 3PL and Warehousing will also depend on better infrastructure and a highly innovative information technology. And finally i would like to say 'Just wait and watch'.

India strategy on technical developments
 Though in last couple of decades we as a nation received huge recognition in world stage but still more need to do in Technical innovative products. No doubt the government is spending a lot in this area also but a target base planning is required where the focus should be on the R&D based on the contemporary and future market requirements. R&D should be provided autonomy, sufficient resources both financial and human resource with target based plan where milestones are set for them in regular interval of time. This milestone will push the R&D to delivery results in time.

      For human resource availability more emphasis should be given in the core subjects like physics, electronics, biotechnology, Human sciences etc. We should focus on the application of the knowledge.

family background
I belong to Raebarelli, Uttar Pradesh. My Father is an Officer at I.T.I and my mother is a homemaker. My elder brother is based at Noida working at HP India as software engineer and my elder sister got marriage and settled at Lucknow.

Advice to professionals
Not only in my field but in general I would say patience and curiosity to learn is the key to long glittering success. And one more important thing always carry a zeal to learn and innovate in a positive note.

Advice to students
 I would like to share that books are good to introduce you with concepts only but in the industry it is the innovative application of this concepts, which requires. Always update yourself with the dynamics of the environmental factors like market, social aspects, government policies and politics.Not one, all the factors are crucial to built a dynamic personality. Do give preference to extra-curricular activities along with curricular activity to groom. Remember advancement in the communication has diminished the distance across the globe and gave birth to “Globalization” so prepare yourself not only as Indian but as “Globdian” (Global+India)

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