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Advice Request
Atul Mohan
Atul Mohan

Atul Mohan


vXcess Solutions


Atul Mohan is a member of:

- Expert
Company Profile and its IT Policies
NET (an acronym for “Multi-Domain Global Relationship Management
through a Network of Exclusive Technologies) specializes in recognizing
the physical, psychological and social needs of a person at every stage
of the Human Life Cycle and addressing these through a variety of
applications, tools and services. Leveraging the existing technologies
together with our domain expertise, our E-Governance Solutions serve
multiple domains namely, Education, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals,
Insurance and Automobiles amongst others.

MGRM is gearing up to enable our applications for the cloud delivery..
Perspective on Innovative Technologies like Cloud and Virtualization
not a new technology at MGRM as I have already consolidated oursystems
in year 2009/2010 and currently we have all our users accesseither via
VDI or Apps Publishing engine.
Keeping Pace with Latest Technologies
I keep myself updated by taking online courses, attending seminars and industry friends.
Personals in your Team
Team of 7 people.
Biggest Obstacle
users to new environment was pain point. Current pain point
isconvincing management to migrate our applications to newer technology.
Technology as a Rescue Act
mindset and vision which is required, technology is available toenable.
But, clearing identifying right technology with respect tobusiness is
equally important.
Decisive Role of IT during Recession
efficiency using technology does play a major role both wayrevenue
generation as well as savings. Planning the same is important.
Contemplate Ways to Prevent Security Breach
logical access control and monitoring tools play a veryimportant role,
doing it manually is not possible. It is ever evolvingand I have still
not come across single tool which can suffice ourbusiness requirement,
we need to use multiple tools to monitor.
Importance of Cloud in the Organization
Being an application driven company, cloud is the way forward.
Using cloud to Secure Database
One important feature of cloud security is that we are reducing security gates to guard.
IT Leader must be Manger or Technologist First.
it is IT, it always good to have technology understanding first andthen
you can be good manages, sales, pre-sales person as one feel like.

Expected ROI on Technological Investments
After adaptation of virtualization- Year-1 – 15%, Year-2 -  40%, this year it might be less as we have expansion plans.
Welcoming New technologies

De-duplication technologies and cloud security products.

Bond between CEO and a CIO
Marriage – to be successful both have to compromise and move forward.
Like for any software, CIO do need
to have continuous new technology patches, update and upgrades to be
keep abrupt  otherwise anyday a virus will attack, erase and reboot our
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