
Ashish Kumar

Ashish Kumar
Pursuing MBA
MBA/PGDM MBA in Marketing
IT-Hardware and Networking

Ashish Kumar ’s Blogs

The Graduate Management Admission Test® (GMAT®) is a standardized test, which means that it is given under standard...more >>
Thanks to the status and availability of MBA programs internationally, you can go just about anywhere.Why Study Inter...more >>

About Ashish Kumar

I am pursuing MBA from IBMR-Ahmedabad. My objective is to enhance my Knowledge, Skills and Expertise through an exposure at the MNCs to contribute to the development and growth of the organization.

Ashish Kumar ’s experience

Internship Trainee   at   SiliconIndia Ltd , Bangalore, INDIA
May 2009 – Currently Working
Industry: IT-Hardware and Networking
Functional area: Marketing / Advertising / MR / PR
Online marketing

Ashish Kumar ’s education

MBA/PGDM [MBA in Marketing],
IBMR-A [Currently,Studying] , Ahmedabad, INDIA

Ashish Kumar ’s additional information

1. Collecting detail information of top companies from all industries and than analyze that information. 2. Analyze most top advertisement. 3. Believe in change.
Awards and achievements:
1. Runner up winner in Walkathon at B.K. School of management, Ahmedabad. 2 Got First prize in Science fair(2003-2004) at Nehru science center, Varli, Mumbai.
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