
Pradnya Ashok Yewale

Pradnya Ashok Yewale
B.Tech/B.E. Information Technology

About Pradnya Ashok Yewale

My name is Pradnya Yewale. Staying in Pune.At present studying in last year of engineering. My strengths->Good leadership qualities. Good presentation and communication skills.
Hobbies->Painting,Trekking,Solving sudoku.
Willing to work as soon as i complete my academics.

Pradnya Ashok Yewale ’s experience

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Pradnya Ashok Yewale ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Information Technology],
G.S.Moze.College of Engineering [Currently,Studying] , Pune, INDIA

Pradnya Ashok Yewale ’s additional information

Painting, Music, Playing Chess, Trekking, Travelling,Reading, Solving Sudoku ,coding,anchoring events.
Awards and achievements:
1.Paintings felicitated and displayed in a Mauritius Exhibition 2. Participated in inter college technical events. 3.Won in college badminton, throwball sports competitions.
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