
Arnab Banik

Arnab Banik
B.Sc Electrical Engineering

About Arnab Banik

Hi everyone, and thanks for visiting my profile.

I have completed my bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering and will be joining Carnegie Mellon Univ for my Masters.

I am registered for two online courses - Java developer and PHP/MySQL.

I look forward to interact with you guys both for networking during projects and also to be friends :)

Arnab Banik ’s experience

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Arnab Banik ’s education

B.Sc [Electrical Engineering],
Pennsylvania State University [December,2010] , State College, US

Arnab Banik ’s additional information

I love exploring newest technologies, and I am a huge fan of android. Other than this, I love socializing with people, playing outdoor sports like volleyball, tennis, cricket etc.
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