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Advice Request
Ankur Gupta
Ankur Gupta

Ankur Gupta




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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Late father was a victim of the partition in 1947 and settled in Dehradun.
Later, he worked in the IAS Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.
Mother with her creative/entrepreneurial talent founded the hand-knitted woolens home industry in Mussoorie. Local women collected wool & hand-knitted them.
Job Profile:
Over the last decade, have transformed Proman into s single-level organization with multiple expertise-networking. All services have been outsourced. Overheads have been minimized with no employee attrition and concerns of talent outflow. We get state-of-art technological services at all times.
Required Reading:
With the logarithmic evolution of knowledge, experiences and concepts I certainly do not recommend any static sources. With the huge live-library of the internet accessible to everyone, focus on retrievability with ability to sift out relevant information is critical. Hence master search engines.
Done Differently:
Given the choice of restarting in life, I think I am extremely happy with the manner my professional choices juxtaposed with my personal preferences and passions. What I am today is a result of multiple factors and the whole constellation is just what the astronomer ordered ~ optimally perfect!
Changes In The Professional Environment:
I am attuned to the paradigm shift which has taken place since the mid-70's when professionals were being reluctantly accepted in organizations and the competition was not so severe. Job and organizational loyalties existed and locational mobility was not very frequent, which extends beyond nations.
Advice For New Professionals:
My forthcoming book Seed of Genius spells this out very clearly. "Appo Deepa Bhavah" or "Be Your Own Lamp" i.e. taking charge of yourself is the fuel to make everything in life a success. Believing in yourself and being constantly aware of yourself are essential condiments for professional life too.
Plans For The Future:
I have no specific plans for the "couple of years" ahead. I live each day as a full life with contentment while listening to my inner self. I am carrying my lantern of light which will keep lighting the surrounding darkness and help me be in bliss while I travel the constantly emerging new paths
Degrees That Matter:
To me Degrees/Certifications are only essential for routine technical careers. The primary ability of being self-aware and constantly working on yourself is to me the biggest work which helps reap rich dividends in whatever field you desire to grow. This is a dynamic situation. constantly evolving.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
"Seed of Genius" is something I am very proud of. Besides helping me scan my entire experiential span, it has enabled me articulate what has worked for me. It is destined to be the first true multimedia iBook from India with a global focus. A special India edition as multicolor print & eBook is due.
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