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Advice Request
Ankit Agarwal
Ankit Agarwal

Ankit Agarwal


Dean Infotech Pvt Ltd


Ankit Agarwal is a member of:

Prized Accomplishment(s):
Meeting the break-even expenses and getting a respectable head count in all the divisions of the company in a span of 6 months only is something which I am proud of.
Growth Strategy:
Continued learning in any field or domain is very important to sustain or rather grow in career. As an individual, I have continued my learning curve be in terms of introducing new employee focused policies, methods to cope up with challenges and enhancing technical skill sets through various courses and certification.
As a company, we are implementing ISO 9001 certifications and partnering with various recognised bodies to ensure continued growth.
The Decisions That Matter
Quitting a well-balanced job and going for the hard decision to be an entrepreneur was the most important turning point of my career. It was my zeal since the very beginning of the career days to have a company of my own, but, the moment when I believed I was ready to take further load on my shoulders to raise a start-up was completely an important time. There was a will and I was shown the way.
Other Thoughts:
To start own company is like a dream come true. Initially, there are lot of challenges but with time, you get confident to overcome these challenges confidently. I would recommend all the individuals and professionals to pursue what they are good at.
Job Profile:
Being the Director of Dean Infotech Private Limited, everyday is a challenging day which motivates me further to give the best the next day. Right from managing the business development to the delivery of the solutions, I am involved in every decision making. My main role is to satisfy my clients and my main aim is to retain my real assets - my employees.
The Journey So Far:
I started my corporate journey 8 years back with Computer Sciences Corporation as a Software Analyst. Being part of CSC at Chennai was exciting as life literally taught me few principles which I carry till date. I was part of various project teams during my career at CSC. Four years later I decided to move on to the next assignment of career with Ford Motor Company in their newly opened IT office at Gurgaon which was another memorable and learning phase of life. These many years later, I realized that its perfect time to have a company of my own and Dean Infotech was given birth.
Advice For New Professionals:
Go for your dream from day1. Every single day counts and a well planned strategy will definitely lead you to what you desire. Nothing is impossible in this world. All it needs is a strong determination and passion to achieve what you want in life. Few learnings:
1. Always have plan B
2. Always take calculated risk. confidence is best, over-confidence is bad
3. Be honest as they say - Honesty is the best policy. Deliver what you commit and don't mind in delivering one extra step.
4. Keep fighting for your dream and you will achieve it.
Career Profile:
Current role involves lot of decision making and at time hard decisions need to be taken in few seconds. Profile involves meetings with clients and leads and ensuring smooth transitioning of projects throughout the delivery cycle. Previous role, didn't involve much of the decision making and there was no visibility on the company's operation. The new role of director gave 100% visibility on the company's operation and right human resources development was another task added under my job profile.
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