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Advice Request
Anil Kumar Mankar
Anil Kumar Mankar

Anil Kumar Mankar

Test Analyst

Infosys Technologies Ltd


Anil Kumar Mankar is a member of:

Changes in the industry
It hasn't changed in the way people work but lot of innovation has happened and the way the world look at Software testing has changed drastically. Now-a-days clients feel that testing is one of the major part of Software Development life cycle.
A Fine Balance:
In software, every day is a big challenge and most of the time, the work pressure increases intermitently. I usually take out time for small breaks in between long working hours and try to have coffee with colleagues with some interesting and funny discussions so that I can feel relaxed.
The Journey So Far
Its been 4.5 years in Software Industry. Have faced couple of clients at their location. Till now it has been amazing with lot of learning from experience as well as from people.
Essential Advice
Testing is the fastest growing field. Now a days clients are expecting to be multi talented and specialized in testing.I would say Software testing is one of the most challenging in terms of understanding the applications and delivering the quality.
Most Important Lessons
During my 4.5 yrs of experience, I have learnt many lessons,some of them are Learn how to talk with people when you dont have any topic, Don't take decisions without thinking and without proper consultation, respect your managers and Never hesitate to raise defects while testing :)
Current and Previous Responsibilities
Now I am more experienced so more responsiblities :). Previously I was not facing the client so often and was not in a position to manage a project in absence of manager. Now I am able to handle these efficiently.
Tech trends to watch out for
In my perspective, the industry is looking for multi talented personalties who can handle various types of testing. Its no more possible to survive being a manual or automation tester. We need to develop our skills within no time and have to implement.
Areas for the Future
Automation testing and performance testing are the major specialization currently in demand. Along with this, companies are looking out for domain expertise in th respective fields such as Banking,Energy,Telecom etc.
Most Important Decisions
Learning automation, Being at onsite facing client and keep looking at the market for any new technologies.
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