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Advice Request
Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

Professor in the University

School of Biotechnology, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India

My Advice
Thorough practical knowledge of the subject is essential.
Most Rewarding Moment
In 1980’s , when I was a faculty in Lucknow University, during my lecture students were used to engross themselves so much that they never realized the length of lectures.
Favorite Non-Academic books
When I find some time I read Bhagwat Gita. It gives me mental peace.
Important Lesson
There is no alternate of hard work and dedication. Honesty is the best policy even in difficult times.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
There should be perfect honesty and transparency in the appointment of teachers. Only qualified persons having sound knowledge of the subject and with feeling of dedication should be appointed as teachers. There should not be any type of compromise on quality of teacher in the name of reservation or so. A bad teacher spoils generations. Government must keep more budgets for higher education. There should be a long term vision. Now a days, many people talk of student-teacher ratio, it does not work in quality higher education.
Future of Indian Education System
I feel that there will be enormous changes in Biotechnology field in next few years. People will like to know their own individual genome sequence. Practical aspects of gene therapy will be implemented. Molecular medicines will be used. Common people will use molecular biology kits to diagnose normal diseases. Enzymes will be more practically used in daily life and so on.
My priorities
Academic engagements are my priority. In fact sometimes my daughter and my wife gets annoyed as I am not able to give them time for shopping.
Way to motivate Students
I try to keep myself updated in field with recent happenings. To motivate the students I tell successful stories of various people.
My inspiring personality
Late Prof. PS Krishnan inspired me a lot. He was a person of principles, was having dedication for research and teaching. He opted science in his daily routine life. He was not biased against any type of sex, breed, ethnic, poor, rich, urban, rural background students.
Strongest Subject
Enzyme technology. I am working on enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism since last 40 years. I believe this to be my strongest subject as my grasping power crosses levels when it comes to Enzyme technology.
About Me
Bachelors, masters and Ph.D. from Lucknow university. From 1978 to 1985, Lecturer in Lucknow University. Visiting Research Associate from 1985 to 1988 at Michigan State University (Prof Jack Preiss lab). I am the first person to sequence glycogen synthase gene of E.Coli whose paper was published in JBC in 1986 & was dedicated to Prof. Louis Leloir.Worked on genetic engineering in USA while staying in Prof. Jack Preiss lab. Thereafter, joined Devi Ahilya University (DAU) as a Reader in Biochemistry. In 1991, became full professor of Biotechnology at DAU, founder of School of Biotechnology. Member of various academic and administrative bodies. More than 100 full length research papers in various national and international journals. Guided more than 25 Ph.D. students. Authored nearly 10 books and 10 chapters in various books. Fellow of number of academic societies including World Society of Cellular and Molecular Biology, France.
Unique way of teaching
Teachers must keep themselves upgraded. They should teach the students as their own children. Subject matter must be explained in an easy language quoting suitable examples.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
Innovative ideas are with the youth. They should be encouraged to transform their innovative ideas into practical aspects. Entrepreneurship must be encouraged in the country. There is a good news that in recent years Government has started working on this concept and in that series has constituted National Innovation council.
Most Challenges facing by students
Students are facing the biggest challenge of quality education. Since most of the students want to get success by short cut means.
Family Background
I was born in a small town of district Muzaffarnagar called Kairana in a medium class family. My father was a shopkeeper and my parents were illiterate. However, I am fortunate enough that my father was knowing importance of education. He himself gave moral education to me and to all my siblings. He used to say ‘be honest to your duty’, ‘help others if you can’, ‘God is not confined in temples/mosque’, ‘helping others is the biggest worship of God’. My all family members believe in humanity. I have two daughters. We all believe in simple living and high thinking. My younger daughter is so kind that she cannot see an animal crying on the road. She is so kind that she says if it would have been in her hand she would have done things for all the street dogs and other animals. My wife is a religious lady, she always believe that worship of God is very important. My daughters and my wife always co-operated me and do so even today. I give full credit to my family for whatever I am today.
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