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Advice Request
Anand Vasant Ingale
Anand Vasant Ingale

Anand Vasant Ingale


3i - Infotech ltd

Challenges facing by students
Examination,external vivas
First Job Expectation
Spare time activities
Time Management
Work. Will ensure that employee should not suffer because of my work.
Favorite subject
Proactive communication. Because we know if we do not communicate real things on time. it will get escalated.
Most influenced factor
My Boss.
View s for better India
Corruption is now a day big issue for our Nation. So every one will try to chnage the policy so that Corruption will not happen.
Family Background
My family conatins 8 member(Joint Family)
Father, Mother,Brother Sister in law,Brother's son & Daugther
And my Wife.
Favorite Books and Articles
I examined two articals one is of chetan bhagat which has inspired me lot.
another is of Adaulf Hitler, Which says.if you win you need not have to explain.but if you lose you should not be their to explain
My uniqueness
Prompt response about my work.
About Myself
I am simple common man who thinks about others.and always ready to give help for person who required help.
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