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Advice Request
Amitabh Saxena
Amitabh Saxena

Amitabh Saxena

CEO Anexas Denmark

Anexas Denmark


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Degree that I recommend
Obviously, Lean and Six Sigma Master Black Belt certification from Anexas :-)
Important decision
Instead of joining the IT race, I chose to do something different and chose Quality and process excellence, which I felt was a good decision.
Starting Anexas was another important decision, when I decided to leave a regular job to make on my own.
Couple of years from now
I would like to share the learning with as many people as possible. This might mean conducting many free programs, or writing books, or anything which spreads the knowledge.
My achievements
1.Helping more than 100 organizations to improve efficiency though lean and six sigma implementation.
2.Training more than 10,000 persons.
3.Starting Anexas, which helped transform many lives.
4. Starting more than 6 companies of Anexas group in various countries in Europe and Middle East, instead of getting a franchise from a foreign company.
5. I am proud that Anexas is an Indian company with franchises abroad. Other companies in India in our domain are franchises of foreign companies.
Ensuring success
Travel, meeting people and reading books are some of the things I try not to miss on so as to ensure that growth becomes integral part of life. Attending few training programs every year also helps in self development.
Brief description about me
I have around 24 years of experience in Process Excellence, Quality, Lean and Six Sigma. I founded Anexas in 2006 along with my colleagues Pradeep and Bharat after working in senior Lean and Six Sigma positions in KPMG, AXA, OfficeTiger, Deutsche Bank and Riyad Bank. Before that I worked in manufacturing and petrochemical companies like Bharat Petroleum, Herdillia, Indo Rama (Thailand), etc. I completed my graduation in Chemical Engineering and later MBA(Finance) from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai.
In the last 15 years I have trained more than 10,000 professionals in Lean Six Sigma and process excellence and our organization has trained more than 25,000 professionals. We boast of very good names as our clients across all the domains and continents.
Regarding my family, my wife is a Pediatrician and also helps me in running the operations of Anexas. My twin children Anukarsh and Animisha study in 7th standard.
My role model
May be just because I share the first name with him, I am inspired by Amitabh Bachchan. His never say die attitude, keeping the cool in adversities, humility and always seeking continuous improvement are some qualities which I like in him.
Important lesson learned
1. Take calculated risks : I am not in favor of taking big risks. I have always taken risks,but ensured that in case of miserable failure, there was always a safety net. This helps you to lead a normal life too.
2. Some people will ditch you, but still continue to trust: At different stages, many persons blatantly broke promises and even stabbed in the back, but by continuing to trust people I came across some of the most wonderful persons who walked with me through thick and thin. I value these people.
3. Do not worry about competition: Competitors will always be there, and some people would be always better than you. Appreciate them, learn from them. But worrying about them will give you nothing, but ill health. Walk at your own pace and enjoy the journey, which is more important.
4. Compete with yourself: Judge your success by looking at the obstacles you overcame to achieve the goal, not by the size of the goal. Continue to beat your previous best and celebrate it.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The money taken from students should be invested back in the education system rather than reaping profits. This will ensure that our higher education system is on par with western countries. Larger investments in education system will ensure that most talented from the industry also join the academics. So Indians will get the best education within the country and will not have to go abroad.
My family background
Both of my parents are retired as University Professors. Two younger brothers are settled abroad after their engineering/MBA and a sister is practicing as Pediatrician in Goa.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
1. Instead on focusing on self, focus on others
2. Keep the objective of the group / organization in mind while making decisions, the team will always agree
3. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. People watch you and follow you.
4. Get motivated first about the goal, and then motivate others to achieve.
5.Direct, do not give orders.
Initiative to develop a country
Around the age of 40, Professionals should leave the regular job and start on their own based on their experience and expertise. This will ensure larger employment for the young India, and also set an example for the youngsters.
Around the age 50, they should choose a social cause and devote themselves to it.
Around age 60, they should share their learning and experience with wider audience.
I think this will transform India.
My strongest skill
Public Speaking, statistical knowledge, ability to take others along, tolerance.
Influenced by
Influence can be positive and negative. Positively, my mother has influenced me the most. Her sacrifice and hard work is something which has made me what I am. She inculcated in me the habit of studying during childhood. Also, she takes everyone along with her, and this attribute of hers has taught me a lot. Of course there are many persons who have influenced me negatively, but this is not the space to talk about them!
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