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Advice Request
Amit Kumar Gautam
Amit Kumar Gautam

Amit Kumar Gautam

Relationship Manager

GIR Movers Pvt Ltd


Amit Kumar Gautam is a member of:

Family Background
My father is retire Army officer,my mother is a house wife.
we are 3 sibblings.
Recommended Courses and Certification
Market konowledge
4 p's of marketing,business times & google
Importance of sales
8 out of 10 sales is important. to generate revenue.
What can be achieved
csn'nt take immediate action when any urgency occur.
Importance of On line marketing
it also important tool to promote company
it wide term but make strategies for company
Future prospect
as rsm in sales
revenue generated in a yr
Positioning the product
differentiate from other
Growth Prospect in marketing
very fast
Importance of Marketing
my role is very important in organisation. all depend on us to sles product,
Motivating Factor
Most viewed stories - Don't Miss (1-5 of 15)
Retired professional
Founder of Giraffe Accolade and Consultant in entrepreneurship, and innovation
Giraffe Accolade
Intas Pharmaceuticals Limited
Looking for Job
Looking for Job
Web Developer and Web Designer