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Advice Request
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar

Software Developer

Paragon IT Services Pvt Ltd

Family Background
My father is farmer and mother is house wife.
The Journey So Far:
I have completed MCA from IMR Ghaziabad (U.P.). I had gives many interview in many company, but i was not selected. After that i joined Valsys Solutions Company, which is in noida. That is small company. It is based on ERP. In that company, i worked 1.8 year. After that i joined Paragon IT Services.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I convert project from javafx 1.3 to javafx 2.x without any help. So i got proud on myself.
The Decisions That Matter
I have selected in two companies same day. So i could not get decision, that which one is best for my career.
Role Model:
My role model is Stive jobs. I want make same as.
Working Life Management:
When i worked in company then i forget my personal life, after that i enjoy my personal life. I can't mix professional life and personal life.
Job Profile:
I am doing work as a Software developer. I am doing work on javafx, which is new language. Helping of this language is not on google. I convert project from javafx 1.3 to Javafx 2.x.
Growth Strategy:
Because i learn any frame work / any language with in week. I am logically person.
Career Profile:
My previous company based on ERP. This software used core java. But my current company have two project which used javafx language. Javafx is new language. But i got fun in this.
Contribution to the field
My current company is Paragon IT Services Pvt. Ltd. I am doing work on Javafx 2.x. I convert project from javafx 1.3 to javafx 2.x.
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