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Advice Request
Amit Kishore
Amit Kishore

Amit Kishore

Head of Marketing



Amit Kishore is a member of:

- Expert
Differentiate Strategies in place with your Competitors
value proposition in the market gives us the edge in the marketplace.
As part of our marketing strategy, we make an effort to articulate &
communicate our value proposition to our prospective clients as clearly
as possible. Beyond this, we are building core competencies around a
few critical aspects of the business viz. product quality, user
experience & customer service. We believe that in a crowded market,
these should stand us in good stead in future
Positioning products in market
Sophisticated & cutting
edge technology is hallmark of our product. We use cutting edge
technology to create efficiencies that help us present a compelling
value proposition in the marketplace.
Brand Identity creation
Being a new & unknown
brand in the marketplace, creating a strong brand identity is very
critical to business success in the global marketplace.At the core of
our brands identity is cutting edge & sophisticated technology that
delivers the knowledge & intelligence its customers are looking for.
Beyond this, the visual element of the brand is built around colour
(yellow & black) and functional designs. The product & website
is designed to give users a smooth experience helping them to cut
through the noise.
Way to reach customers through sales force
Marketing &
sales in our company is closely linked in our reach out to potential
customers. Being a social media company, digital & social media is
integral to our customer outreach program. We continuously engage with
potential customers on social media and channel any leads thus created
to sales. In doing so, we try to be part of any conversation taking
place in our industry and also maintain a thought leadership position
through our own content.
Company description & strategies in place
Webfluenz is
a young social media intelligence company, which in less than 2 years
has generated considerable success in varied geographies across the
globe. We measure social media for brands & businesses and help them
make sense of the medium of the future. Being a social media company,
digital & social is critical to our marketing strategy. And we make
full use of these mediums to engage with our potential customers.
Engagement is key to our marketing efforts and is built around industry
conversations as well as our own content.
Todays Marketing Trend
Clearly, social is the
emerging trend in marketing and we see more and more brands embracing
this medium. Its a medium that is not fully understood yet and lots of
brands are still making sense out of it. In more mature markets, brands
are far ahead in exploiting this medium.

Traditional media is
posing more and more challenges to marketers around the world with
falling media consumption habits among consumers and fragmented media

More and more brands are trying to amplify their
traditional media efforts using digital & social media. Its not a
case of either this nor that media.
Relationship of Marketers with the CEOs
In flat
organisations of today, I believe CEOs are far closer to marketing that
they were ever. Social media has, in some ways, forced this closeness as
brands have become democratic. The control over brands no more lies
exclusively with the brand manager in the marketing department.
Increasingly, brands are getting thrown into the spotlight publicly, not
always in a positive manner. Defending Corporate & Brand
reputations increasingly require CEOs to stay close to marketing.
Thoughts on Social Media Monitoring Tools
The increasing
eminence of social media augurs well for social media monitoring tools.
It is becoming more and more critical for brands not just to listen and
monitor but engage with consumers on social media & real time web.
are innumerable social media tools available today for all kinds of
requirements, from the very basic ones appealing to mom & pop stores
kind of businesses to the sophisticated & cutting edge tools that
provide intelligence & analytics for bigger businesses & brands.
A crisp & clear definition of social media objectives is critical
in ensuring brands are able to chose the right social media monitoring
Opportunities for Business in 2012- the ways to take advantage of them
by the response we have received so far, 2012 is going to be an
exciting year for us. After having spent most of 2011 promoting
ourselves infront of potential clients across the globe, we hope to reap
the benefits of that effort in 2012.
We are fortunate to be playing
in the fastest growing medium and we hope to be able to reap the
benefits of this growth that is forcing more and more businesses and
brands to adopt social as a critical part of their marketing efforts.
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