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Advice Request
Amit Haldhar
Amit Haldhar

Amit Haldhar

Development Professional


More about myself
The social development sector is influenced with personal interests of individuals & profit making (political & non-political, national & international organizations)and this deviated the working culture & style of Indian Social Work practices; also some good positive interventions also being introduced too. We need to have certain work culture in social development sector which should be based on Ground reality but not only of Target based as most of the International Organizations are basically focused on. As development sector is mainly dealing with the human & their psychology (directly & indirectly somehow), all the interventions needs to plan & implemented on a ground which is based on correct(approximate) figures & findings of the communities.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Understanding the mentality of each team member & act according that. The leader should be able to guide the team along with appriciate and the team members to move forward walking alongwith them as needed, not always be ahead, beacuse walking alongwith the team members & guiding them encourages to get the desired results with maintaining a balance in the team.

A leader should be a leader as well as a trusted freind on whom the team can rely during critical times.
My strongest skill
Program Planning & Implementation, Documentation & Reporting, Counselling, Leadership
Brief description about me
I am a professional social worker with a working experience of 7 years at grass route level with/for the mentally challanged, deprived, destitute children & tribal/rural communities in cities like Delhi, Pune & Tribal/Rural areas like Jhabua, Lalitpur & Jamshedpur. Mainly worked on the issues of Mental Health, De-addiction, Rehabilitation, Counselling, Community Health issues & IEC/BCC. Got specific experience in Program Planning implimentation, Monitoring & Evaluation.
Have a good exposure of the working culture of Grass route to National Level NGOs & CSR settings as well and aware about the positive & negatives. My wish to work in a ethical setup and doing something fruitfull for the society does not let me stay at a place due the certain unethical issues of the organizations whereever i worked. I am looking for a good place/organization where i can stand and work positively for the causes. Also have a vision to operate an organization which fullfill my vision for the community.
My family background
I am from a middle class Bengali family settled in Madhya Pradesh; my family consists of My Father, Mother, Sister, Brother & my Wife. Father is working in Western Coal Fields Limited as Senior Overman & going to retired in next 4 years, Mother is a housewife, Sister is married & settled in Maharashtra, Brother is working in Nahar Spinning mills, Mandideep(Bhopal) as labor officer & my Wife is a Software Engineer.
Important lesson learned
Faced may good and bad experiences in life personally & professionally.

I am an imperfect guy who have done many mistakes in life alongwith blindly trusting people; but till now from life i learnt to be good and giving as this is one life and we can't take cash & things with us after death, so better to give the necessary to the needy what we can and enjoy ourselves with the amount of cash and kind which is needed for our survival. It is a truth that you cant serve others untill you are not able to stand on your own feet.
Initiative to develop a country
First the professionals should stay in the country and work for the needy without expecting much rewards as cashback. The current political & social conditions manifests the hunger of people for cash & kind which is a barrier in our overall development.

When the professionals will be really using their skills, innovations & skills for the development of the country without expecting much in return, that would trigger the real development of the country.
Couple of years from now
Serving the needy with all the resources which i'll have at that time being at top level of my carreer.
My achievements
While working in TORCH NGO, I remember Raju from slum of Nizamuddin who left his family & ran away long back before that from Assam. He was working as ragpicker & used to addiction. I did case work on him, counsel him for about 5 months and successfully motivated him to leave the habit of addiction.
He was so motivated that he left that habit of addiction & saved money for two months & went to Guwahati to search his family but returned back broken hearted as his parents moved to another place after selling his young brothers. The positive part is that he left the habit of Smack & started earning for himself. Later when i left Delhi in 2004-05, after few years went Delhi to search Raju but unable to find him, only one information made me happy that he got married and settled somewhere in Delhi. After many years i am back in Delhi and now looking for that similar face in crowds of Delhi.Raju always considered me as elder brother.
Influenced by
So many people influenced me with their personalities, Charachters & work. It is hard for me to list one person. People had negative & positives which helped me to list out the good qualities & adopt the better as per my caliber.
Ensuring success
Learning from books is a good thing but alongwith that i believe learning from practicle life is helping me to Grow & Develop myself as human, yet i am incomplete and lots of developments yet to be done.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
# Adapting innovative ways of teaching at community level in rural & tribal areas.
# Engage local literate youth in primary level education with providing them intensive training on imparting education techniques.
# Direct salary system (salary to be credited directly in bank accounts)to all adhoc/contractual teachers.
# Effective monitoring system at District & Block levels.
# Responsible persons at administrative posts who really think & practice (Value) the quality education system.
# At Ministry level, youth should be promoted as education ministers who have vision & respect for the traditional Indian Education System & also able to make balance by introducing certain part of western style education which is only helpfull for strengthning Indian Education system.
# Engagement of responsible persons from Top to Bottom (Delhi to a distant village) for the proper implementation of Education programs.
# Reservations & Scholarships only to be based on Skills & Poverty factor.
Important decision
Leaving a job rather than sticking, earn money doing nothing at a place which i feel has barriers & limitations for my professional growth & has unethical environment of working.
My role model
The main character of Russian Novel "How the Steel Was Tempered" (Author - Nikoloi Ostrovsky).

His name is Pavel Korchagin, He was fighting on the Bolsheviks' side in the Civil War (1918–1921). He is a quintessential positive hero of socialist realism. He sacrificed his entire life fighting for others, he could have taken advantage of his position and be a rich man, but he was made from the Mud and he lived for it.

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Shahid Bhagat Singh & Sahid Bhaga Jateen(Jateen Das) who sacrificed their lives for the country. They were the foundations of building of country.
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