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Advice Request
Allan Johnston
Allan Johnston

Allan Johnston


The Entrepreneurs and Mentors Network Inc.

Outlook about India as A developed country
Indian software entrepreneurs can collaborate with Alaskan entrepreneurs to create mobile applications, software games and other online opportunities for the U.S. market via Alaska's special Qualifying Small Business Corporation legislation. Indian individuals can take advantage of owning/creating these corporations and monetizing their intellectual property in the largest software market in the world.
Essential qualities
Integrity, experience, mentorship and opportunity.
Family Background
My wife is in local politics. We have two sons and a daughter, age 35,34,31. My oldest son owns an Information Technology company. He is happily married and has two children ages 5 and 2. My middle son owns a Marketing company and is single. My daughter is a Petro physicist for Statoil and lives in Harstead,Norway . She is happily married and has one child.
New trends in domain
More international collaboration is creating new opportunities that didn't exist before.
Outlook about option to start career again
I would have two more children but I'm not sure my wife would agree (: .
Challenges in profession
Integrity has been compromised in too many organizations.
Initiating and getting the most tax efficient and attractive state companion legislation for Qualifying Small Business Corporations in the United States for Alaskan QSBC's.
Current Job & Role
I retired last October from a 36 year career with the Los Angeles based investment banking firm of Wedbush Securities Inc. . I was the Regional Manager for Alaska.
Important Career Decision
1) Marry a wonderful and supportive wife
2) Be humble and appreciative in knowing that luck is very important in any success.
3) Move to Alaska and become part of the most awe inspiring land of superlatives that anyone could possibly dream of.
Advice for followers
Be humble and appreciative. Seek mentorship from the most respected and successful individual in your field of interest. Show respect and appreciation for any gifts of guidance that mentors share with you.
Career Expectation
Facilitating the largest and most successful mentoring organization in Alaska.
Way to ensure growth
I am always learning more from the folks I am mentoring than I believe I am sharing with them. They help me sculpt my dreams and prolong my youth and relevance.
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