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Advice Request
Akhil Kumar
Akhil Kumar

Akhil Kumar




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My role model
I don't follow any role model.
More about myself
If you want to something for the good of mankind even God help you.
Important lesson learned
When ever you want to do different in life their will be challenges that will be put before you and if you overcome them and complete the task that you have taken up then the satisfaction which you attain is not worth any pleasure in this world.
My family background
I belong to a middle class Indian family. My father died when i was of the age of 4.5 years. My mother brought me up. I have a very cute daughter whom i have name Khrisha.
My achievements
I have not been able to achieve much in life up till now but that does not break my faith.
Brief description about me
I am an Electronics Engineer, who has worked in seven companies in 10 years,in various fields such as IT, Water, oil & Gas and project Management. I am a very straight forward person who knows what i want in life and am constantly struggling to find out ways to achieve that. I have a keen interest in Politics and want to something for the nation and for this world to make this world a happy place to live in for the generations to come.
Influenced by
Life itself has influenced me as it has taught me through its own ways an made me the person who i am today.
Important decision
Their have been several moments in my life when i have broken. I have heard a saying by a very famous saint that" Until you except the defeat from your heart you don't loose". This is the decision which i have taken not to except defeat under what circumstances i have spend my life and come out in the end as victorious.
Degree that I recommend
Degree in Electronics Engineering, PG diploma from Fluid Control Research Institute, Project Management Professional, Some part time courses.
Couple of years from now
Well that depends on the circumstances of tomorrow. As far as the question of seeing myself in a couple of years, either i will be doing some odd job or i will be doing something really big.
Ensuring success
Well for the sake of lively hood i am working as a Executive Projects. But by doing Time Management, i am trying to find out the root cause of the problem affecting a common man by doing my research from whatever resources i have at hand. I am also writing blogs to highlight the problems and trying to provide a practical solution for the problems. I have my audience in US, China, Germany, India and Malaysia. You can find my blogs at
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Perseverance, Determination, Able to delegate things.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Our education system in India lacks Moral Education, that why their is so much confusion in our society. I have also written a blog on this topic.
Initiative to develop a country
See it is a team effort. However, small contributions can be made but making major changes it has to come from the top of the political system in India
My strongest skill
Mangement & Cordination
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