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Advice Request
Ajay Kumar Meher
Ajay Kumar Meher

Ajay Kumar Meher

Hewlett Packard(HP)


Ajay Kumar Meher is a member of:

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I belong to an upper middle class business family in Odisha. Our primary business is Rice trading and Real Estate.
Working Life Management:
As I have become a full time blogger and Freelancer now, I am able to give time to my family. I work from a Home Office, so I save on travel time. I also adhere to schedule of my work time so I am able to maintain a balance between the two.
Job Profile:
Currently I am into full time blogging and Freelancing and shaping a company by the name Qlogix Solutions. I have few employees who works for me on contract basis. As of now I play multiple role in my organization, I have to play the role of blogger, developer, marketing as well as mentor.
The Journey So Far:
In my 7 years career in IT, I have worked in 3 companies and in all the 3 companies I have always excelled in my work and have been awarded. In my last Company I got the Employee of the year award.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
While working in Mphasis I single handedly developed many applications to convert from traditional system to web based system. These applications received lot of applause in the company and led me to become the employee of the year.
Role Model:
In blogging Amit Agarwal has inspired me a lot. But most of the time I am inspired by my interest.
Career Profile:
In my current role, I have to look after everything from creating invoice to finalizing deals, related to my company as well as do the development in most cases. Have to take care of client relation as well. In my previous roles, I was working as an employee with only development work.
Plans For The Future:
I see myself as the No 1 web services provider in India.
Advice For New Professionals:
Never run behind money but run behind your wishes. If you do something which you want from the depth of your heart and minf you will always enjoy doing it and money will eventually come to you.
The Decisions That Matter
My decision to quite my regular job to start my own company is the best and most important decision till date.
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