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Advice Request
Abhishek Kumar Sahay
Abhishek Kumar Sahay

Abhishek Kumar Sahay

Analyst Programmer


Blogs (13)

Abhishek Kumar Sahay is a member of:

Family Background
I am basically from Bihar a middle class family,father retired from government service ,i have one brother and two sisters
Currently working at
Currently working in Accenture as a Senior software Engineer.Working mainly in Performance Testing.
Required Reading
Software Engineering by Pressman, Foundations of Software Testing by Rex Black.Books Lessons learned in Software Testing by James Bach - Cem Kaner - Bret Pettichord Testing Computer Software by Cem Kaner
Plans for the Future
I would like to be a Project Manager i,which will provide me an opportunity to lead a group effectively.
The Journey So Far
Before joining in Accenture as SSE,i started my professional career in in Siliconindia as a QA Engineer which provided me a good exposure in QA Profession
Most Important Lessons
Effect of gaining knowledge through hardwork and dedication. Passion of work with more responsibility and freedom
Areas for the Future
We can expect some rapid growth in Automation, Performance testing and security testing in QA domain
Essential Advice
Alway think out of box and do smart work
Changes in the industry
QA/Testing industry now a day more focus on performance and automation testing.
Degrees that Matter
ISTQB, CSTE,loadrunner certification are the major recommendations for QA Professionals but 'experience' is the bigger factor than any course especially in QA Profession
Current and Previous Responsibilities
I am mainly dealing with performance testing in Accenture,also touching areas like automation testing
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