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Advice Request
Abhinav Kashyap
Abhinav Kashyap

Abhinav Kashyap

QA Engineer

iGATE Global Solutions.


Abhinav Kashyap is a member of:

Time Management
I look at the available time and the tasks to be performed, then divide time for every task and give priority to the one with more importance and less time needed, so that i can focus on more time consuming tasks with full concentration later.
My uniqueness
Ability to learn new things and implement in the real world scenarios with the power to come up with challenging and innovative ideas is what i think is unique and remarkable about me.
Most flourishing college experience
It was the day when i got selected in my first company, i came to know just one day before the placement date that i fulfill the criteria for the Company,
it was around 6 in the evening that i reached home and immediately turned on my laptop so that i can prepare for my interview using internet, to my surprise my internet was not working that day.

i rushed to my friends house and prepared for interview at his place and returned late in the night to my home.

Next day it was my faith, efforts and luck which helped me grab the opportunity to be a part of an MNC.

This made my most rewarding college experience.
Family Background
I belong to a well educated family, My father working as a Bank Manager and Mother as a Teacher gave a good learning curve to me right from the beginning.
My family always supported me in whatever i needed and/or whatever they felt is good for me.
Favorite subject
I felt very confident with Digital electronics and Programming languages like C,C++ etc.
About Myself
I like to do everything, although not in the best way but up to the level of my satisfaction.
Most influenced factor
The "Google Guys" have always been my inspiration, apart from that my family and my teachers were most influential in my life.
First Job Expectation
I personally feel that person should always do what he is passionate about, he can be at top if he follows his passion with true spirit and confidence.
Growth opportunities:
of course there should be good growth opportunities at the work place , the consistency in work is very important which finally results in good personal growth and development
Good Learning Environment:
The workplace should have good people which can provide you with a great learning environment , ultimately moving ahead as a team to accomplish the task within the stipulated time.
Additional information
Believe in yourself and always give some time to something you are really passionate about.
Challenges facing by students
The learning techniques followed in our country is far behind then the developed countries which finally results in hindering the "Out of the box" thinking and less number of Entrepreneurs in the country.
View s for better India
If they follow there passion with the true spirit and confidence in them then they can directly impact the growth and development of the nation.
Because people do "best" what they are passionate about and if they give their "Best" We can see our Country at top, soon.
Career Expectations
During the next few years i see an education system which focuses on the practical implementation of concepts on the real world scenarios rather than making students to just mug up the theoretical knowledge without even knowing what it is actually used for.
Spare time activities
In my spare time i like reading books,taking a glance at what happening in the country, creating websites and getting knowledge about latest technological updates.
Most proud accomplishment
Getting certified for ISTQB was one of the proudest moment of my life.
Favorite Books and Articles
It was the book called "The Google Guys" which inspired me to work for what you are really passionate about.
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