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Aashish Manohar Tarar
Aashish Manohar Tarar

Aashish Manohar Tarar

Managing Director

Banking Campus Point

Articles  (1)
Motivating team members
In my terms " Success is a journey towards Perfection" At each and every level of your life you get a proportion of success, and by adding those minor proportions one can achive a grand succesa meanwhile.
" Success and Excuses dont work together"- If one wants success he should never give excuses in life in any sence, if he does so he is gaining sympathy from others. Identifying the problem, analysing it and find the other alternatives to overcome that problem is best way to go ahead without losing hopes. Because where there is a WILL there is a WAY. So just take other way if you are not getting result by your previous path, but never Stop.
Becoming good marketing professionals
Yes definetely, Good Sales professional can be a good marketing professional.With the Sales work one performing sales person better knows the weakness of customer and the reason for his purchasing a product.After all he has also analysed the buying behaviour of customer in depth. So he knows where better where to make a war. Just by offering a boost up training to sales person he can be a good marketing person too. Because in my terms - "aacche sales person ko customer ki nabj pata hoti hai" so he can definetely be a good marketing professional.
My advice to upcoming professionals
To be good sales professional one should possess higher motivation within,a lot of positive attitude, enough presentation & convincing skill, diplomatic nature, willingness to listen to customer properly, patience, and last but not least a learning ability from each sales to upgrade himself for upcoming or next sales. One who is good in identifying the customer perception and buying behaviour of customer for the product- can be a good marketing professional in future.
Effect of sales on an organization
" Sales is a soul of any company".Despite of having good product, good marketing, features a company can FAIL just because of bad or poor sales team. So it all depends on Sales man how he promotes and creates the need for the product to consumer. Sales is not that much hard if any person is having few qualities which i have mentioned in previous question can achieve success.Definetely sales skill get updated by experience. But proper punching and training leads to good sales.My advise to all sales person is instead of doing Hardwork they should always prefer to do smart work. Because its not a company its you who create the importance of product in market.
Importance of brand image
Brand is the identity which promotes the organization, the profit, the sales, the loyalty all are linked to BRAND.It tooks years and years to create a good brand. For any company who is willing to earn profit in long run has to maintain the brand image in customers mind. If any companies is having other segments of product but under same brand it is essential for company to take enough care of Brand, so that it may not get promoted on wrong sence by themselves or any other external sources, since the channels are interlinked under a same brand name which has a same brand value. A company in a short term can chage the brand name easily if it want to do so, but if the companies in long run and having other channels under a same brand name cant do so, if willing to change brand name too uch costing is involved and they have to start from zero.
Upcoming Trends
If we talk about Training employees or students is not a easy task. The days are gone when one way communication was having importance.Now the professional or students always think how to be creative as Trainer is. How to present my leadership or express knoweldge infront of public..Now some new trends such as " Interactive sessions, Audio video Aids, management games" are into picture.
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
I am really proud of my all achivements on day to day basis in my corporate journey. My each day begun with high energy and ends with one or more achievements. Specially the life time achivements includes - to be always in "Role of Honour" place in every month from PAN INDIA in Recruitment and Sales. Apart from that my Presentation on various topics in socity, collegues and Institutions and Result which i get out of it really makes me proud ...
Comparing Online sales with hardcore sales
Process depends on the product which company needs to promote or sale.Depending on the target customer one can identify the process which might can hardcore or online.If any company is targeting to save money of sales force so they can prefer online sales process subject to condition they need to sale their product by means of hardcore sales for certain time frame to make public aware and product or company loyal.Because 80% public doesnt trust online process. If you are asking me about which one is best,i will rather say sales depends on the target customer.So company need to identify the target customer and can approach the same. Many times hardcore sales creates an impression in customer mind because of tangibility of product whereas online shoping fails to do so, even giving door delivery of product. Risk is involved in boths mind.(Customer and company)
Education system in India
After ssing todays scenario Some times i feel that does really india shining?? NO...Because youth students are the future of India.If they are moulded up in good education system they can create a better future for future students. Education System has to be chaged.One should make compulsion for the interactive sessions, audio video presentation, extra curricular activities,and opportunity to every student to express their ideas and concept. Yes this will definetely help students to boost self moral and understanding for future problems.
Developing a country
As i took the initiative to fight against corruption and apart from it making a good CSR approach (Corporate social responsibility)one can contribute a bit proportion for development of india.
Essential qualification required
In my terms Qualification or degrees are secondary and comes rare into picture to start a career, passion, skill set, and way of expressing the knowledge matters a lot to start career in my field. Afterall results speaks a lot.
Essential skills
A depth knowledge of concepts, techniques to express,presentation skill, convincing skill, positive attitude,Teaching methodology and confidence matters a lot in training profession.
My family background
I am the only son of my parents having one sweet younger sister. My father retired as an Professor whereas one who inspired me a lot i.e my mom is a good home maker.
Current Job description
Currently working as a Motivational Trainer and also playing a role of MD (Managing Director) of reknowned institution named Banking Campus Point- a shelter for career centric exams like Banking Exams,Railway, MBA CET, Staff selection etc..My profile includes mentoring one 2 one (students and staff) and giving appropriate guidance and keeping them highly motivated time to time and focused for their dream career. Once in a week conducting a motivational or knowledge gaining lecture for students and staff.Apart from Institution role always going for the Training and Development Program oragnaised by various corporate companies for their employees and other institutions on required topics.
Handling new territory
Territory doesnt come into picture for a good sales person, bacause "where there is a will there is a way" Even when i was in my first company my teritory was new to me, it totally depends on you how you analyse or study the teritory and accordingly drive the business.
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