
Rohit Kumar Balaramamahanthi

Rohit Kumar Balaramamahanthi
Assistant Systems Engineer
B.Tech/B.E. Computer Science
IT-Software/Software Services

About Rohit Kumar Balaramamahanthi

I wish to work in cutting edge technologies which uses low level languages such as Assembly Language,C/C++. I want to see myself as a hardcore developer, since i believe i have fine programming skills and very good logical skills. Solving Puzzles and Aptitude questions gives me a lot of confidence in applying the mind while coding. I simply enjoy programming.

Rohit Kumar Balaramamahanthi ’s experience

Software Developer   at   Tata Consultancy Services , Mumbai, INDIA
September 2009 – Currently Working
Industry: IT-Software/Software Services
Functional area: IT Software - System Programming
• Working in a stock exchange client account. • NGPT(New
Generation Post Trade): A stock Exchange project in Futures &
Options Market which involves developing the application which
deals with broadcasting time to time market data like Current
Value of a share in the market, its day hi/low etc. Also it
involves maintaining the order book and trade book which are
meant for inquiries to be served to the brokerage firms. • I
have gained very good domain knowledge on how trading happens in

Rohit Kumar Balaramamahanthi ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Computer Science],
VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu [May,2009] , Vellore, INDIA
B.Tech/B.E. [Computer Science],
VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu [May,2009] , Vellore, INDIA

Rohit Kumar Balaramamahanthi ’s additional information

Solving puzzles and Aptitude Questions, and Programming.
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