
Rahul Adwani

Rahul Adwani
B.Tech/B.E. Electronics & Telecommunication

About Rahul Adwani

I'm a hardworking guy who is in search for an organization which will provide solid foundation of his career.
I believe whenever a person sees him/herself in mirror, he/she must realize that him/her is better than what he was yesterday, both knowledge wise & health wise.

Rahul Adwani ’s experience

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Rahul Adwani ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics & Telecommunica...],
Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg [June,2009] , Raipur, INDIA
Salem English School [April,2005] , Raipur, INDIA
Salem English School [Currently,Studying] , Raipur, INDIA

Rahul Adwani ’s additional information

Playing Cricket, Programming, Solving Puzzles & Sudoku.
Awards and achievements:
Secured 76 A.I.R. in National Level Maths Olympiad. Secured Top 8 percentile position in National IT Aptitude Test. Scored 100% Marks in Mathematics Xth Board Examinations.
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