
Mohammad Imran Warsi Imran Warsi

Mohammad Imran Warsi Imran Warsi

Mohammad Imran Warsi Imran Warsi ’s experience

Sr. Relationship Officer   at   Fullerton Financial Holdings F.F.H. DUBAI-U.A.E. , DUBAI
Handling a variety of managerial and administrative duties to
meet the needs of the company and customers with excellent
telephone presence and effective interpersonal skills with strong
leadership, Strong communication, leadership, planning,
management and problem solving high-performance, focused
communicator and public speaker possessing advanced interpersonal
and client relationship management. A highly accomplished
Customer Services (Senior Relationship Officer) specializing
handling to high profile Customers. Superiors for excellent
customer care, resulting in corporate commendation. Leader and
manager with strong organizational, project orientation and
stress exceeding customer expectations.

Mohammad Imran Warsi Imran Warsi ’s education

GRADUATE [2002/September] , LKO INDIA

Mohammad Imran Warsi Imran Warsi ’s additional information

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