
Vipul Pant

Vipul Pant
B.Tech/B.E. Electrical and Electronics

About Vipul Pant

Well recession has hit me, but there's always a silver lining. I have been studying for PSU's and in the process is in constant touch with my subjects. I am also busy to make some useful circuits to sort out the energy problems using solar and wind energy, though on a smaller scale but is giving me the much needed practical approach.

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Vipul Pant ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electrical and Electronics],
College of Engineering Roorkee [June,2008] , Roorkee, INDIA

Vipul Pant ’s additional information

Learned a lot about OLED's and RFID's, though i think OLED's will be the mainstay technology. RFID is not here to stay. Also POwer Systems is one field of engineering which has lagged behind, so Im very much into it.
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