
Akhil M Sawant

Akhil M Sawant
Resort Manager KihimBeach

About Akhil M Sawant

Well I have been always looking fwd to make friends,talk to various people know them understand their ways of living & leading their life.
Women have to be treated with respect just like any other person, and do not ever create any kind of discrimination (Gender based).
Lets join hands and run towards success , together we can acheive it even more easily. is what I feel.
Entertainment is important its a need of todays hectic life.
Keep taking breaks in your routine work schedules and see you will perform even more better every time you join back from break.
I have my clients sharing these thngs with me, just feel free to call and speak to me, may be we can share some more great things together.
98211 43693

Akhil M Sawant ’s experience

CEO/COO/Chairman/President/Owner/Partner/Principal   at   Kamalhomes , BREAK- PLANNERS , Mumbai, INDIA
January 1990 – Currently Working
Industry: Hotels/Restaurants/Airlines/Travel
Functional area: Hotels / Restaurants
Here at Kamalhomes we have been providing Great Food and
Accomodation to various kinds of Families , Friends and Office
staffs thet often visit us to take break from their respective

Akhil M Sawant ’s education

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